That’s a homecoming win!!!Gators. 68- Dragons 20.
Gators have the lead at the end of the 3rd quarter, 62-12.
HALFTIME: Gators lead Madison 54-6 #wpgators #nebpreps
END Q1: Gators lead Madison 32-0 #wpgators #nebpreps #Homecoming
Homecoming Pep Rally 2018! #wpgators
Activities for Friday, September 14
- Varsity Football vs. Madison (Homecoming) 7:00 - 107.9 Broadcast
- Homecoming Dance (Grades 9-12) 9:00-12:00 PM
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Friday, September 14, 2018
Happy Birthday today to... Criagen Labenz!!
HURRY UP and Contribute your $...TODAY IS THE DAY... will Mr. Butterfield have to wear earrings or will Mr. Boyer Shave his face?? Results will be announced Friday at the pep rally!
THANK YOU TO THE CHEERLEADERS for the awesome decorations!!! Our hallways look AMAZING!!! THANK YOU!!
All Homecoming votes need to be completed by noon today! There are two ballots….one for Faculty Homecoming and one for Student Homecoming. The ballots are in Naviance.
Student in grades 9-12... that are interested in participating in the spring play are encouraged to talk to Mrs. Glaubius and/or sign up in the library.
Cross Country results from Scotus invitational yesterday: The boys team was 7th and the girls team was 12th. Calby Ruskamp placed 9th out of 137 runners. The girls were led by Kayla Svoboda.
Homecoming outside date forms are due TODAY...
Homecoming Dance, Friday September 14th... The Homecoming Dance for the 9th -12th grade students will start at approximately 9:00pm until Midnight. The doors will lock 1/2 hour after the football game, once you leave the dance you will not be allowed to reenter. Cost for the dance is $5 per person.
Freshman... stop by the front office to sign up to work the concession stand on Monday, September 17th and Monday, October 1st. Parents are encouraged to help if available. Shifts are 4:30 to 6:00 and 6:00 to 7:30.
Sophomores and Sophomore Parents... you will have concession stand on Monday, September 24th. We will need parent and student help. Shifts are from 4:30 to 6:00 and 6:00 to 7:30. Stop by the front office, to sign up for a time. Thank You!!
Teacher Homecoming Court... The student council is having a teacher homecoming court this year! Congratulations to our teacher homecoming court! Queen candidates are Mrs. Rief, Mrs. Schutte, Ms. Sampson and Mrs. Plagge! King candidates are: Mr. Burki, Mr. Moeller, Mr. Dennis, and Mr. Ross. Voting will take place this week.
A meeting for the 2020 trip to Spain and Italy has been scheduled for Sunday, September 23 at 7:00 P.M. in the high school library. This is a great opportunity to learn about this trip as well as sign up early at a discounted price. More information about the trip is available in the library or at Major cities include Rome, Florence, Barcelona, and Madrid.
THE SENIOR HIGH BAND TRIP will be taking place in May of 2019 and the plans have already been contracted. We will be traveling to San Antonio, TX to take part in a variety of different activities and tourist attractions to include: Medieval Times Dinner and Show, Rivercenter Mall, IMAX Theater, Tower of the Americas, Riverboat Cruise, The Alamo Museum and Library, A Ghost Tour, Six Flags, and much more. We are currently seeking adult chaperones to accompany our students on the trip. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Dennis for further information. The trip dates are May 28th - June 1st. We will need at least 14 individuals to chaperone, but that is the minimum. We have plenty of room for more than 14.
Juniors... Meeting Tuesday, September 18th at 7:40am in the south gym. This will be a meeting regarding the Magazine Fundraising. A representative will be here to give you information for selling magazines. All juniors MUST attend. We will also meet Tuesday, September 25th at 7:45am to elect officers and discuss a few more fundraising options.
Central Community College is hosting a Diesel Career Fair at their Hastings campus on Oct 4th. Please see Mrs. Kreikemeier for registration information.
NECC is hosting a Health & Wellness Career Day on September 18th. This day will include hands on activities, a campus tour, and career information sessions. Please see Mrs. Kreikemeier to sign up! Seniors will have an opportunity to win a $1000 scholarship.
Golfers... We have concessions this Saturday the 15th. We are looking for 3 parents and 3-4 students to work from 8- approximately 12:30. See Mr. Cornell for details.
Friday *Early Dismissal/Teacher In-Service 2:30pm *6:45pm Homecoming Coronation *7pm V Football vs Madison (Game will be broadcast on 107.9)
Saturday *'C' Volleyball Tourney 8am
Varsity Cross Country results from the Scotus Invitational: The Boys team was 7th and the Girls team was 12th. Calby Ruskamp placed 9th out of 137 runners. The girls were led by Kayla Svoboda. #wpgators
NEN Vipers - 5
Boone Central - 4
High School Class Competitions - it's been a great Homecoming Week so far!
Activities for Thursday, September 13
- Cross Country @ Columbus Scotus Invite 4:30
- JV, Varsity Softball vs. Boone Central/Newman Grove (Home; Parents Night) 5:00
- Jr High Volleyball vs. West Point-Beemer (Home) 6:00
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Thursday, September 13, 2018
Happy Birthday today to... Rylee Halterman and Shelbie Harleman!!
Only two days left to contribute your change... vote to embarrass either Mr. Butterfield or Mr. Boyer! Free-will donation jars will be located by the front office. If Mr. Butterfield’s jar has the most money, he will wear earrings for a day! If Mr. Boyer’s jar has the most money, he will shave his face for the first time in 20 years! Results will be announced Friday at the pep rally!
Guided Study Hall Library Usage... During guided study hall the library is open ONLY if you need to take an AR test or check books in or out.
There will be no one act tech meeting tonight.
Student in grades 9-12... that are interested in participating in the spring play are encouraged to talk to Mrs. Glaubius and/or sign up in the library.
Homecoming is FRIDAY... if you are planning on bringing a date that does not attend Wisner-Pilger, please pick up an outside date form. Forms need to be completed and returned by Friday, September 14th at noon.
UNK is hosting a Criminal Justice Day for Juniors and Seniors on Oct 1st. If you would like more info, please see Mrs. Kreikemeier
The Health Careers Club will meet next Wednesday, Sept 19 from 7-8:30. The focus this month is on cardiovascular. See the poster in the science hallway for more details.
National Honor Society Members... we still need volunteers to help with the CHIC Halloween party. Sign up in the library. This will count towards one of your four required volunteer activities.
Golfers... We have concessions this Saturday the 15th. We are looking for 3 parents and 3-4 students to work from 8- approximately 12:30. See Mr. Cornell for details.
Homecoming Dance, Friday September 14th... The Homecoming Dance for the 9th -12th grade students will start at approximately 9:00pm until Midnight. The doors will lock 1/2 hour after the football game, once you leave the dance you will not be allowed to reenter. Cost for the dance is $5 per person.
Freshman... stop by the front office to sign up to work the concession stand on Monday, September 17th and Monday, October 1st. Parents are encouraged to help if available. Shifts are 4:30 to 6:00 and 6:00 to 7:30.
Sophomores and Sophomore Parents... you will have concession stand on Monday, September 24th. We will need parent and student help. Shifts are from 4:30 to 6:00 and 6:00 to 7:30. Stop by the front office, to sign up for a time. Thank You!!
Splashing Through Homecoming Week!!! Show your school spirit by dressing up!! Thursday: Generation Day 12th-Senior Citizens; 11th-Hippies; 10th- Disco; 9th- 80s & 90s; 8th-toddlers; 7th-babies Friday: Spirit Day
NECC is hosting a Health & Wellness Career Day on September 18th. This day will include hands on activities, a campus tour, and career information sessions. Please see Mrs. Kreikemeier to sign up! Seniors will have an opportunity to win a $1000 scholarship.
Teacher Homecoming Court... The student council is having a teacher homecoming court this year! Congratulations to our teacher homecoming court! Queen candidates are Mrs. Rief, Mrs. Schutte, Ms. Sampson and Mrs. Plagge! King candidates are: Mr. Burki, Mr. Moeller, Mr. Dennis, and Mr. Ross. Voting will take place this week.
The One Act Play needs metal scaffolds for the set... if anyone has some available let Mr. Moeller know ASAP!
A meeting for the 2020 trip to Spain and Italy has been scheduled for Sunday, September 23 at 7:00 P.M. in the high school library. This is a great opportunity to learn about this trip as well as sign up early at a discounted price. More information about the trip is available in the library or at Major cities include Rome, Florence, Barcelona, and Madrid.
THE SENIOR HIGH BAND TRIP will be taking place in May of 2019 and the plans have already been contracted. We will be traveling to San Antonio, TX to take part in a variety of different activities and tourist attractions to include: Medieval Times Dinner and Show, Rivercenter Mall, IMAX Theater, Tower of the Americas, Riverboat Cruise, The Alamo Museum and Library, A Ghost Tour, Six Flags, and much more. We are currently seeking adult chaperones to accompany our students on the trip. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Dennis for further information. The trip dates are May 28th - June 1st. We will need at least 14 individuals to chaperone, but that is the minimum. We have plenty of room for more than 14.
Juniors... Meeting Tuesday, September 18th at 7:40am in the south gym. This will be a meeting regarding the Magazine Fundraising. A representative will be here to give you information for selling magazines. All juniors MUST attend. We will also meet Tuesday, September 25th at 7:45am to elect officers and discuss a few more fundraising options.
Central Community College is hosting a Diesel Career Fair at their Hastings campus on Oct 4th. Please see Mrs. Kreikemeier for registration information.
Calendar Update/Change... Softball with Schuyler has been rescheduled to Tuesday, September 18 at 6:30pm. No JV will be played.
National Honor Society Reading Lab for this Week... Thursday - Calby, Friday - Claire
Thursday *Cross Country @ Columbus Scotus Inv 4:30pm *JV Varsity Softball BCNG (Parents Night) 5:00pm *Junior High Volleyball West Point Beemer 6:00pm
Friday *Early Dismissal/Teacher In-Service 2:30pm *6:45pm Homecoming Coronation *7pm V Football vs Madison (Game will be broadcast on 107.9)
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Wednesday, September 12, 2018
HOMECOMING!!! Donate to the Student Council’s Be Kind Initiative and vote to embarrass either Mr. Butterfield or Mr. Boyer! Free-will donation jars will be located by the front office. If Mr. Butterfield’s jar has the most money, he will wear earrings for a day! If Mr. Boyer’s jar has the most money, he will shave his face for the first time in 20 years! Results will be announced Friday at the pep rally!
Homecoming is FRIDAY... if you are planning on bringing a date that does not attend Wisner-Pilger, please pick up an outside date form. Forms need to be completed and returned by Friday, September 14th at noon.
UNK is hosting a Criminal Justice Day for Juniors and Seniors on Oct 1st. If you would like more info, please see Mrs. Kreikemeier
The Health Careers Club will meet next Wednesday, Sept 19 from 7-8:30. The focus this month is on cardiovascular. See the poster in the science hallway for more details.
National Honor Society Members... we still need volunteers to help with the CHIC Halloween party. Sign up in the library. This will count towards one of your four required volunteer activities.
Golfers... We have concessions this Saturday the 15th. We are looking for 3 parents and 3-4 students to work from 8- approximately 12:30. See Mr. Cornell for details.
Homecoming Dance, Friday September 14th... The Homecoming Dance for the 9th -12th grade students will start at approximately 9:00pm until Midnight. The doors will lock 1/2 hour after the football game, once you leave the dance you will not be allowed to reenter. Cost for the dance is $5 per person.
Freshman... stop by the front office to sign up to work the concession stand on Monday, September 17th and Monday, October 1st. Parents are encouraged to help if available. Shifts are 4:30 to 6:00 and 6:00 to 7:30.
Gator Music Discount Cards are due Wednesday, September 12th.
Splashing Through Homecoming Week!!! Show your school spirit by dressing up!! Thursday: Generation Day 12th-Senior Citizens; 11th-Hippies; 10th- Disco; 9th- 80s & 90s; 8th-toddlers; 7th-babies Friday: Spirit Day
NECC is hosting a Health & Wellness Career Day on September 18th. This day will include hands on activities, a campus tour, and career information sessions. Please see Mrs. Kreikemeier to sign up! Seniors will have an opportunity to win a $1000 scholarship.
Teacher Homecoming Court... The student council is having a teacher homecoming court this year! Congratulations to our teacher homecoming court! Queen candidates are Mrs. Rief, Mrs. Schutte, Ms. Sampson and Mrs. Plagge! King candidates are: Mr. Burki, Mr. Moeller, Mr. Dennis, and Mr. Ross. Voting will take place this week.
The One Act Play needs metal scaffolds for the set... if anyone has some available let Mr. Moeller know ASAP!
A meeting for the 2020 trip to Spain and Italy has been scheduled for Sunday, September 23 at 7:00 P.M. in the high school library. This is a great opportunity to learn about this trip as well as sign up early at a discounted price. More information about the trip is available in the library or at Major cities include Rome, Florence, Barcelona, and Madrid.
THE SENIOR HIGH BAND TRIP will be taking place in May of 2019 and the plans have already been contracted. We will be traveling to San Antonio, TX to take part in a variety of different activities and tourist attractions to include: Medieval Times Dinner and Show, Rivercenter Mall, IMAX Theater, Tower of the Americas, Riverboat Cruise, The Alamo Museum and Library, A Ghost Tour, Six Flags, and much more. We are currently seeking adult chaperones to accompany our students on the trip. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Dennis for further information. The trip dates are May 28th - June 1st. We will need at least 14 individuals to chaperone, but that is the minimum. We have plenty of room for more than 14.
Juniors... Meeting Tuesday, September 18th at 7:40am in the south gym. This will be a meeting regarding the Magazine Fundraising. A representative will be here to give you information for selling magazines. All juniors MUST attend. We will also meet Tuesday, September 25th at 7:45am to elect officers and discuss a few more fundraising options.
Central Community College is hosting a Diesel Career Fair at their Hastings campus on Oct 4th. Please see Mrs. Kreikemeier for registration information.
St. Joseph's Religious Education... Classes will start on Sept 12th for all grades. Elementary will have class at 4:00 p.m. and grades 7-12 will have evening classes starting at 7:00 p.m.
Calendar Update/Change... Softball with Schuyler has been rescheduled to Tuesday, September 18 at 6:30pm. No JV will be played.
National Honor Society Reading Lab for this Week... Thursday - Calby, Friday - Claire
Thursday *Cross Country @ Columbus Scotus Inv 4:30pm *JV Varsity Softball BCNG (Parents Night) 5:00pm *Junior High Volleyball West Point Beemer 6:00pm
Activities for Tuesday, September 11
- JV Softball Tournament (Home) 4:30
- C, B, Varsity Volleyball vs. North Bend (Home; Fill the Gym) 5:30
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Tuesday, September 11, 2018
HOMECOMING!!! Donate to the Student Council’s Be Kind Initiative and vote to embarrass either Mr. Butterfield or Mr. Boyer! Free-will donation jars will be located by the front office. If Mr. Butterfield’s jar has the most money, he will wear earrings for a day! If Mr. Boyer’s jar has the most money, he will shave his face for the first time in 20 years! Results will be announced Friday at the pep rally!
Homecoming is FRIDAY... if you are planning on bringing a date that does not attend Wisner-Pilger, please pick up an outside date form. Forms need to be completed and returned by Friday, September 14th at noon.
UNK is hosting a Criminal Justice Day for Juniors and Seniors on Oct 1st. If you would like more info, please see Mrs. Kreikemeier
The Health Careers Club will meet next Wednesday, Sept 19 from 7-8:30. The focus this month is on cardiovascular. See the poster in the science hallway for more details.
National Honor Society Members... we still need volunteers to help with the CHIC Halloween party. Sign up in the library. This will count towards one of your four required volunteer activities.
Golfers... We have concessions this Saturday the 15th. We are looking for 3 parents and 3-4 students to work from 8- approximately 12:30. See Mr. Cornell for details.
Tonight is "fill the gym" night for volleyball. Wisner-Pilger students wearing green are admitted to the game for free.
Cross Country Results from the Wayne Invite Yesterday... Both boys and girls teams were 4th. Medalists were Calby Ruskamp (6th), Payton Biermann (10th), and Claire Raabe (14th).
Homecoming Dance, Friday September 14th... The Homecoming Dance for the 9th -12th grade students will start at approximately 9:00pm until Midnight. The doors will lock 1/2 hour after the football game, once you leave the dance you will not be allowed to reenter. Cost for the dance is $5 per person.
Gator Music Discount Cards are due Wednesday, September 12th.
Splashing Through Homecoming Week!!! Show your school spirit by dressing up!! Wednesday: Dynamic Duo Thursday: Generation Day 12th-Senior Citizens; 11th-Hippies; 10th- Disco; 9th- 80s & 90s; 8th-toddlers; 7th-babies Friday: Spirit Day
NECC is hosting a Health & Wellness Career Day on September 18th. This day will include hands on activities, a campus tour, and career information sessions. Please see Mrs. Kreikemeier to sign up! Seniors will have an opportunity to win a $1000 scholarship.
Teacher Homecoming Court... The student council is having a teacher homecoming court this year! Congratulations to our teacher homecoming court! Queen candidates are Mrs. Rief, Mrs. Schutte, Ms. Sampson and Mrs. Plagge! King candidates are: Mr. Burki, Mr. Moeller, Mr. Dennis, and Mr. Ross. Voting will take place this week.
The One Act Play needs metal scaffolds for the set... if anyone has some available let Mr. Moeller know ASAP!
A meeting for the 2020 trip to Spain and Italy has been scheduled for Sunday, September 23 at 7:00 P.M. in the high school library. This is a great opportunity to learn about this trip as well as sign up early at a discounted price. More information about the trip is available in the library or at Major cities include Rome, Florence, Barcelona, and Madrid.
THE SENIOR HIGH BAND TRIP will be taking place in May of 2019 and the plans have already been contracted. We will be traveling to San Antonio, TX to take part in a variety of different activities and tourist attractions to include: Medieval Times Dinner and Show, Rivercenter Mall, IMAX Theater, Tower of the Americas, Riverboat Cruise, The Alamo Museum and Library, A Ghost Tour, Six Flags, and much more. We are currently seeking adult chaperones to accompany our students on the trip. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Dennis for further information. The trip dates are May 28th - June 1st. We will need at least 14 individuals to chaperone, but that is the minimum. We have plenty of room for more than 14.
Juniors... Meeting Tuesday, September 18th at 7:40am in the south gym. This will be a meeting regarding the Magazine Fundraising. A representative will be here to give you information for selling magazines. All juniors MUST attend. We will also meet Tuesday, September 25th at 7:45am to elect officers and discuss a few more fundraising options.
Central Community College is hosting a Diesel Career Fair at their Hastings campus on Oct 4th. Please see Mrs. Kreikemeier for registration information.
St. Joseph's Religious Education... Classes will start on Sept 12th for all grades. Elementary will have class at 4:00 p.m. and grades 7-12 will have evening classes starting at 7:00 p.m.
Calendar Update/Change... Softball with Schuyler has been rescheduled to Tuesday, September 18 at 6:30pm. No JV will be played.
National Honor Society Reading Lab for this Week... Tuesday - Jessica, Wednesday - Rachel, Erin, Thursday - Calby, Friday - Claire
Tuesday *JV Softball Tournament 4:30pm *C, B, Varsity Volleyball vs North Bend - Fill the Gym Night
Varsity Cross Country results from the Wayne Invite: Both Boys and Girls teams placed 4th. Medalists were Calby Ruskamp (6th), Payton Biermann (10th), and Claire Raabe (14th). #wpgators
Activities for Monday, September 10
- Jr High Football @ Howells-Dodge 4:30 PM
- JV Football @ Howells-Dodge 6:00 PM
- Cross Country @ Wayne Invite 4:30 PM
- Junior High Volleyball vs. Battle Creek (Home) 6:00 PM
- School Board Meeting 7:00 PM
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Monday, September 10, 2018
It's Homecoming Week!!! Show your school spirit by dressing up!!>Tuesday: Color Day 12th-Black; 11th-Red; 10th-Orange; 9th-Purple; 8th- Yellow; 7th-Pink; Faculty/Staff-Blue. Wednesday: Dynamic Duo Thursday: Generation Day 12th-Senior Citizens; 11th-Hippies; 10th- Disco; 9th- 80s & 90s; 8th-toddlers; 7th-babies Friday: Spirit Day
HOMECOMING!!! Donate to the Student Council’s Be Kind Initiative and vote to embarrass either Mr. Butterfield or Mr. Boyer! Free-will donation jars will be located by the front office. If Mr. Butterfield’s jar has the most money, he will wear earrings for a day! If Mr. Boyer’s jar has the most money, he will shave his face for the first time in 20 years! Results will be announced Friday at the pep rally!
THE SENIOR HIGH BAND TRIP will be taking place in May of 2019 and the plans have already been contracted. We will be traveling to San Antonio, TX to take part in a variety of different activities and tourist attractions to include: Medieval Times Dinner and Show, Rivercenter Mall, IMAX Theater, Tower of the Americas, Riverboat Cruise, The Alamo Museum and Library, A Ghost Tour, Six Flags, and much more. We are currently seeking adult chaperones to accompany our students on the trip. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Dennis for further information. The trip dates are May 28th - June 1st. We will need at least 14 individuals to chaperone, but that is the minimum. We have plenty of room for more than 14.
Juniors... Meeting Tuesday, September 18th at 7:40am in the south gym. This will be a meeting regarding the Magazine Fundraising. A representative will be here to give you information for selling magazines. All juniors MUST attend. We will also meet Tuesday, September 25th at 7:45am to elect officers and discuss a few more fundraising options.
Cross Country Results from the Norfolk Catholic Invite... Boys were 6th and girls were 8th. Calby Ruskamp was 13th with the 6th best time in W-P history on this course. Claire Raabe ran the 5th best time on the W-P Top Ten list, and Kayla Svoboda ran the 7th best. JV medalists were Becca Thompson (7th) and Jessica Svoboda (10th).
Homecoming is FRIDAY... if you are planning on bringing a date that does not attend Wisner-Pilger, please pick up an outside date form. Forms need to be completed and returned by Friday, September 14th at noon.
A meeting for the 2020 trip to Spain and Italy has been scheduled for Sunday, September 23 at 7:00 P.M. in the high school library. This is a great opportunity to learn about this trip as well as sign up early at a discounted price. More information about the trip is available in the library or at Major cities include Rome, Florence, Barcelona, and Madrid.
Junior and Senior High School students... remember that the grade school entry is locked in the mornings! When entering the school for morning activities, make sue to enter through the high school doors only!
One Act Practice tonight - 6:30pm! Don't forget practice tomorrow morning at 7:30am-Donuts will be provided!
The One Act Play needs metal scaffolds for the set... if anyone has some available let Mr. Moeller know ASAP!
UNK is hosting a Criminal Justice Day for Juniors and Seniors on Oct 1st. If you would like more info, please see Mrs. Kreikemeier
Concession Stand Available... There is one % night concession stand left September 24th. See Mr. Ross if interested
Teacher Homecoming Court... The student council is having a teacher homecoming court this year! Congratulations to our teacher homecoming court! Queen candidates are Mrs. Rief, Mrs. Schutte, Ms. Sampson and Mrs. Plagge! King candidates are: Mr. Mendlik, Mr. Moeller, Mr. Dennis, and Mr. Ross. Voting will take place this week.
Gator Music Discount Cards are due Wednesday, September 12th.
FFA members please pay your FFA membership dues ASAP. Membership dues are $28 as passed at the last FFA meeting. Checks can be made to Wisner-Pilger FFA and given to Mr. Overturf.
Calendar Update/Change... Softball with Schuyler has been rescheduled to Tuesday, September 18 at 6:30pm. No JV will be played.
National Honor Society Reading Lab for this Week... Tuesday - Jessica, Wednesday - Rachel, Erin, Thursday - Calby, Friday - Claire
Monday *Jr Hi Football @ Howells 4:30pm *Cross Country at Wayne Inv 4:30 *Jr Hi Volleyball vs Battle Creek 6:00 *JV Football at Howells 6pm *School Board Meeting 7pm
Tuesday *JV Softball Tournament 4:30pm *C, B, Varsity Volleyball vs North Bend - Fill the Gym Night
(2/2) Varsity Cross Country results from Friday's Norfolk Catholic Invite: Calby Ruskamp placed 13th and ran the 6th best time in W-P history on the course. Claire Raabe ran the 5th best time on the course in W-P history, and Kayla Svoboda ran the 7th best.
(1/2) Varsity Cross Country results from Friday's Norfolk Catholic Invite: Boys team placed 6th and Girls team placed 8th.