Due to continued flooding causing poor travel conditions and road closures, Wisner-Pilger Public Schools will be CLOSED on Friday, March 15th with no activities.
UPDATE: The 7-12 Vocal Music Concert has bee rescheduled for Tuesday, March 19 at 7:00 PM.
Due to road conditions caused by localized flooding and the unpredictable forecast for Thursday, Wisner-Pilger Public Schools will be CLOSED on Thursday, March 14th with no activities.
Wisner-Pilger will have an early dismissal at 1:00 PM on Wednesday, March 13th. Buses will only run to Beemer and to the Pilger Public Library. If other arrangements need to be made please contact the school.
Good luck to the Speechin' Gators as they compete at Districts today in Bancroft! The first round began at 9:00 this morning. #wpgators
Terrific performances at last night's 7-12 Band Concert, and so many accomplishments to celebrate!
- JH Band received Superior ratings at WSC Music Festival
- HS Band received Academic Achievement Award from NSBA
- Grace S and Kaci B selected to Class C All-State
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Students in Mr. Bazata's classes... please report to Study Hall all periods today. Thank You!
As a reminder... the sports psychologist will be here after school (4:00pm). Please plan accordingly.
FFA members that did not qualify for state need to have their State FFA applications turned in to Mr. Overturf by Monday March 18th. You must turn in an application in order to attend State FFA.
Reminder for FFA members applying to become an FFA officer that applications are due on Monday March 18th. Interviews will start at 5pm on Monday night March 18th as well.
FFA members... reminder this Friday is the rescheduled date for Tractor Day. Drive a tractor to school and park down by the football field. Do not park or drive on the grass, it will be wet from the rain.
NHS Readers are needed March 25 and March 29... Juniors, you need to take these dates as the seniors are gone for Close-Up.
Heritage Homes is hosting an Open House on Friday, March 22 9:00-noon for anyone who would like to learn about the Heritage Homes Apprenticeship Programs. See Mrs. Kreikemeier for more information.
The Health Careers Club will explore Endocrinology on March 20, 7-8:30pm. See the poster outside of Mrs. Plagge’s room for more information
Several opportunities for summer camps are available: UNO’s camp for robotics, bioinformatics, and other IT topics. College of St Mary Summer Academies, UNL College of Architecture, Bryan LGH Health Careers and Nursing. Please visit with Mrs. Kreikemeier to learn more about these opportunities.
Dance Team Tryouts... will be April 11th at 4:00pm in the South Gym. Practices will be held in the South Gym - April 8th at 4pm, April 9th at 7:30am, April 10th at 4pm and April 11th at 7:30am. Sign up sheet is in the front office.
Calendar Update/Change... Boys Basketball Potluck will be Monday, March 18th at 6:30pm.
The following students.. are participating in the NECC Scholastic Contest and/or Quiz Bowl on Wednesday, March 20. We will meet in the Jr/Sr High School lobby at 7:15, and leave for Norfolk promptly at 7:20. Students have been provided information sheets with their test time, location, and calculator/equipment requirements. If there are any questions, please see Mr. Butterfield. *Denotes students taking two tests Seniors Alecia Keller*, Becca Thompson*, Calby Ruskamp, Carolina Granaci*, Cassidy Gooch, Claire Raabe, Dylan Uhing*, Emily Hatterman, Grace Steinmeyer, Hannah Stoffel, Ian Breitkreutz, Jaden Berlin, Jayden Raabe*, Levi Otten*, Megan Schroeder, Mersadies Buderus, Taylor Macke, Trinity Bales, Veronica Peck, Juniors Alexis Parker, Brandon Sindelar, Caden Schweers, Colby Heller*, Cole Jacobsen*, Dylan Kneifl, Dylan Ludwig, Erin McGuire*, Landon Beaver, Sophomores Aidan Sateren, Andrew Borgelt, Audrey Glaubius, Breanna Chohon, James Kinnison, Kaci Baier, Rockney Peck, Tymarie Ott, Freshmen Adison Meyer, Gwen Donner, Riley Theroes
The Creative Center is having an open house on Saturday, March 16 from 11:00-1:00
Midland University is hosting a Junior Jumpstart Day on April 5th. See Mrs. Kreikemeier for info.
Cheer Team Tryouts... will be March 14th at 4:00pm in the South Gym. Practices will be held in the South Gym - TODAY at 4pm and March 14 at 7:30am.
Reminder... NHS applications and the signature sheet are due March 15.
National Honor Society Reading Lab... Thursday - Hannah, Friday - Rachel. Next week... Monday - Karrin, Tuesday - Emily, Wednesday - Becca, Thursday - Claire, and Friday - Lexi.
Wednesday *8am-District Speech @ Bancroft-Rosalie GOOD LUCK GATORS!!
Thursday *Jr Sr High School Vocal Concert
Activities for Tuesday, March 12
- Jr/Sr High School Band Concert 7:00 PM
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Monday, March 11, 2019
CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Ross... on receiving the Nebraska Schools Activities Association Distinguished Service Award!
Play practice tonight will begin at 6:00 P.M. in the Fine Arts Lobby - Act One - cast only. Speech team members will be dismissed at 6:45 P.M.
Reminder... NHS applications and the signature sheet are due March 15.
Seniors... Several more local scholarships have been added to Naviance. Look at the Scholarship List for the complete listing.
The Wisner-Pilger speech team's Home Performance is tonight at 7 PM! Performances will begin in the band room with the drama teams and duets, then will be performing in different rooms in the high school.
Speech team members... wear your team t-shirts tonight! Be here by 6:45 PM!
Junior Prom Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 12th at 7:40 am in Mrs. Olson's room.
Dance Team Tryouts... will be April 11th at 4:00pm in the South Gym. Practices will be held in the South Gym - April 8th at 4pm, April 9th at 7:30am, April 10th at 4pm and April 11th at 7:30am. Sign up sheet is in the front office.
Calendar Update/Change... Boys Basketball Potluck will be Monday, March 18th at 6:30pm.
The Wisner-Pilger Area Trapshooting club will have a mandatory parent-student meeting on for kids and parents interested in shooting with the club this year. The meeting will be Monday, March 11th at 6:30 pm in the High school Ag room. The trapshooting club is open to Jr. high and high school boys and girls that are certified in hunter safety. We will be discussing practices and the state trapshooting competition. Any questions can be directed to Mr. Overturf.
Juniors and Seniors... stop in to the office to sign up for prom (meal, out of town dates, and grand march).
Cheer Team Tryouts... will be March 14th at 4:00pm in the South Gym. Practices will be held in the South Gym - March 11th at 4pm, March 12th at 7:30am, March 13th at 4pm and March 14 at 7:30am. Sign up sheet is in the front office.
National Honor Society Reading Lab... Tuesday - Levi, Wednesday - Cali, Thursday - Hannah, Friday - Rachel.
Monday *7pm School Board Meeting
Tuesday *7pm Jr Sr High School Band Concert
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Friday, March 08, 2019
CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Ross... on receiving the Nebraska Schools Activities Association Distinguished Service Award!
Junior Prom Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 12th at 7:40 am in Mrs. Olson's room.
The Wisner-Pilger Area Trapshooting club will have a mandatory parent-student meeting on for kids and parents interested in shooting with the club this year. The meeting will be Monday, March 11th at 6:30 pm in the High school Ag room. The trapshooting club is open to Jr. high and high school boys and girls that are certified in hunter safety. We will be discussing practices and the state trapshooting competition. Any questions can be directed to Mr. Overturf.
Seniors... Several more local scholarships have been added to Naviance. Look at the Scholarship List for the complete listing.
Reminder... NHS applications and the signature sheet are due March 15.
Dance Team Tryouts... will be April 11th at 4:00pm in the South Gym. Practices will be held in the South Gym - April 8th at 4pm, April 9th at 7:30am, April 10th at 4pm and April 11th at 7:30am. Sign up sheet is in the front office.
Calendar Update/Change... Boys Basketball Potluck will be Monday, March 18th at 6:30pm.
Juniors and Seniors... stop in to the office to sign up for prom (meal, out of town dates, and grand march).
Cheer Team Tryouts... will be March 14th at 4:00pm in the South Gym. Practices will be held in the South Gym - March 11th at 4pm, March 12th at 7:30am, March 13th at 4pm and March 14 at 7:30am. Sign up sheet is in the front office.
National Honor Society Reading Lab... Monday - Alecia, Tuesday - Levi, Wednesday - Cali, Thursday - Hannah, Friday - Rachel.
Friday *No School-Spring Break
Monday *7pm School Board Meeting
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Thursday, March 07, 2019
Happy Birthday on Friday to... Ella Breitkreutz!! and on Sunday to... Markus Vrba!!
Junior Prom Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 12th at 7:40 am in Mrs. Olson's room.
Speech Team Members... Sign up for practice times either on Google or in front of Mr. Moeller's room! Practices today, 4-7pm!
The Wisner-Pilger Area Trapshooting club will have a mandatory parent-student meeting on for kids and parents interested in shooting with the club this year. The meeting will be Monday, March 11th at 6:30 pm in the High school Ag room. The trapshooting club is open to Jr. high and high school boys and girls that are certified in hunter safety. We will be discussing practices and the state trapshooting competition. Any questions can be directed to Mr. Overturf.
Dance Team Tryouts... will be April 11th at 4:00pm in the South Gym. Practices will be held in the South Gym - April 8th at 4pm, April 9th at 7:30am, April 10th at 4pm and April 11th at 7:30am. Sign up sheet is in the front office.
Calendar Update/Change... Boys Basketball Potluck will be Monday, March 18th at 6:30pm.
Athletic Mouth Guard Found... Claim at the front office.
Juniors and Seniors... stop in to the office to sign up for prom (meal, out of town dates, and grand march).
Nebraska Rural Electric Youth Energy Leadership Camp forms are available at the front office. This camp is for current 9th, 10th, or 11th graders. Students/parents must be customers of Cuming County Public Power District. Forms are due May 15, 2019.
Cheer Team Tryouts... will be March 14th at 4:00pm in the South Gym. Practices will be held in the South Gym - March 11th at 4pm, March 12th at 7:30am, March 13th at 4pm and March 14 at 7:30am. Sign up sheet is in the front office.
National Honor Society Reading Lab... Thursday - Veronica. Readers for Next Week...Monday - Alecia, Tuesday - Levi, Wednesday - Cali, Thursday - Hannah, Friday - Rachel.
Friday *No School-Spring Break
Monday *7pm School Board Meeting
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Wednesday, March 06, 2019
String key was not found!
Happy Birthday today to... Cater Cleveland!!
Calendar Update/Change... Boys Basketball Potluck will be Monday, March 18th at 6:30pm.
Athletic Mouth Guard Found... Claim at the front office.
The "Pilger-Wisner" Speechin' Gators took first place at the Pilger Cardinal speech triangular yesterday! Final results are as follows: Veronica Peck--first in poetry and informative; Jaden Berlin--first in serious prose and third in poetry; Rockney Peck--first in humorous; Becca Thompson--first in persuasive; James Kinnison and Rockney Peck--second, duet; Claire Raabe, Megan Schroeder, Becca Thompson--second in drama; Gwen Donner--second in serious prose; Jessica Svoboda--second in informative; Kaci Baier--second in entertainment; Claire Raabe--second in persuasive; Kaci Baier, Audrey Glaubius, James Kinnison, Kaleb Meyer, Tymarie Ott--third, drama; Kaleb Meyer--third in humorous prose; Alecia Keller--third in entertainment and extemp; Audrey Glaubius and Tymarie Ott--third, duet; Grace Steinmeyer--fourth in extemp; Alexandra Sudnikovic--fourth in entertainment. Great Job!!
No speech practice today! But, get signed up for practice times Thursday! We will work around your play practice schedules!
Dance Team Tryouts... will be April 11th at 4:00pm in the South Gym. Practices will be held in the South Gym - April 8th at 4pm, April 9th at 7:30am, April 10th at 4pm and April 11th at 7:30am. Sign up sheet is in the front office.
Job Opportunity... Norfolk Daily News has an after school route position available. 25 papers, $75 per month with a $50 gas bonus and other bonuses available. Call 1-877-1080 and state that you are interested in a carrier position.
Nebraska Rural Electric Youth Energy Leadership Camp forms are available at the front office. This camp is for current 9th, 10th, or 11th graders. Students/parents must be customers of Cuming County Public Power District. Forms are due May 15, 2019.
Cheer Team Tryouts... will be March 14th at 4:00pm in the South Gym. Practices will be held in the South Gym - March 11th at 4pm, March 12th at 7:30am, March 13th at 4pm and March 14 at 7:30am. Sign up sheet is in the front office.
National Honor Society Reading Lab... Thursday - Veronica. Readers for Next Week...Monday - Alecia, Tuesday - Levi, Wednesday - Cali, Thursday - Hannah, Friday - Rachel.
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Tuesday, March 05, 2019
Happy Birthday today to... Joslyn Jacobs!!
Calendar Update/Change... Boys Basketball Potluck will be Monday, March 18th at 6:30pm.
Junior High Wrestling Results... 1st Place as a team!! Individual Results! 1st Place - Tycin Lampman, Braxton Siebrandt, Marshall McCarthy, August Scholting, Devon Schultz, Alexia Martin. 2nd Place - Hunter Palmer, Samuel Good, Brad Miranda, Carson Urwiler, Owen Heller. 3rd Place - Reece Dimon. 4th Place Kyle Rehak.
There will be a Golf Meeting... TODAY - TUESDAY after school in Mr. Cornell's room.
No Play Practice TONIGHT.
Speech Team... have everything in the Elementary commons by 4:30 TODAY!
P2T... The following students who signed up for P2T for next year, please come to Mrs. Kreikemeier’s office today (Tuesday) at the beginning of GSH to complete the online registration (please bring your computers). Ashley B, Aspin W., Jaden B., Dylan K, Dylan L, Payton B., Kaleb M, Angelina F, Tyler K, Alex K, and Gavin L.
HURRY...The discount for the 2021 Italy and Greece trip ends on March 31 so make sure you enroll before this date if you want to save some money. The spots for this trip are filling up fast. If you are interested in this trip, please let Mrs. Glaubius know as soon as possible so that you can reserve your spot on this amazing adventure. If you were not able to attend the meeting and would like more information, schedule a time to meet with Mrs. Glaubius. Reserve your spot on the trip today!
Dance Team Tryouts... will be April 11th at 4:00pm in the South Gym. Practices will be held in the South Gym - April 8th at 4pm, April 9th at 7:30am, April 10th at 4pm and April 11th at 7:30am. Sign up sheet is in the front office.
Job Opportunity... Norfolk Daily News has an after school route position available. 25 papers, $75 per month with a $50 gas bonus and other bonuses available. Call 1-877-1080 and state that you are interested in a carrier position.
Nebraska Rural Electric Youth Energy Leadership Camp forms are available at the front office. This camp is for current 9th, 10th, or 11th graders. Students/parents must be customers of Cuming County Public Power District. Forms are due May 15, 2019.
Juniors... Prom Committee- meet in front of high school office on Wednesday, March 6th at 7:30am
Cheer Team Tryouts... will be March 14th at 4:00pm in the South Gym. Practices will be held in the South Gym - March 11th at 4pm, March 12th at 7:30am, March 13th at 4pm and March 14 at 7:30am. Sign up sheet is in the front office.
National Honor Society Reading Lab... Wednesday - Erin, Thursday - Veronica. Readers for Next Week...Monday - Alecia, Tuesday - Levi, Wednesday - Cali, Thursday - Hannah, Friday - Rachel.
Tuesday *Jr High Band @ WSC Music Festival *4:30pm-Speech Pilger Cardinal Inv. (Home) *6pm-Jr High Girls Basketball vs Tekamah-Herman
Activities for Tuesday, March 5
- Junior High Band @ WSC Music Festival
- Speech Pilger Cardinal Invite (Home; Elementary School) 4:30 PM
- Junior High Girls Basketball vs. Tekamah-Herman 6:00 PM
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Monday, March 04, 2019
Congrats to the District FFA state qualifiers! Nursery and Landscape team district champion team, Breana Chohon Champion Individual. Agronomy team district runner up, Meats team district runner-up, Farm Management team 3rd place and Agriscience team.
There will be a Golf Meeting... today after school in Mr. Cornell's room.
Congratulations to Veronica Peck... who won the Al Janovec Award Saturday at the Norfolk Speech Invitational! The award goes to the individual who scored the most points, and Veronical outscored over 400 performers from all six classes for the honor! The Gators had ten finalists Saturday-- Champions Final (Top Six Overall) VERONICA PECK--Informative Runner-Up! VERONICA PECK--Third, Persuasive; JESSICA SVOBODA--Fifth, Informative; VERONICA PECK--Sixth, Program of Interpretation. Next In Final (seventh through twelfth overall) Veronica Peck--Second, Poetry; Claire Raabe--Fourth, Persuasive; Kaci Baier--Sixth, Entertainment. Merit Final (Thirteenth though eighteenth overall) Becca Thompson--Second, Persuasive; Audrey Glaubius, Kaci Baier, Aidan Sateren, James Kinnison and Tymarie Ott--Fifth, OID; Audrey Glaubius--Sixth, Serious Prose. The Speechin' Gators placed fifth out of 35 teams overall!
Play practice tonight starting at 6:25 P.M. for cast only. Act I
Junior High Wrestlers... will leave at 3:00 today.
Speech team practice today... 4-8 PM--Remember your food assignments for tomorrow!
Speech Team Members... we will take a team photo for the newspaper at the beginning of sixth hour in the library today. You will be given you schedule for tomorrow's triangular at that time.
HURRY...The discount for the 2021 Italy and Greece trip ends on March 31 so make sure you enroll before this date if you want to save some money. The spots for this trip are filling up fast. If you are interested in this trip, please let Mrs. Glaubius know as soon as possible so that you can reserve your spot on this amazing adventure. If you were not able to attend the meeting and would like more information, schedule a time to meet with Mrs. Glaubius. Reserve your spot on the trip today!
Dance Team Tryouts... will be April 11th at 4:00pm in the South Gym. Practices will be held in the South Gym - April 8th at 4pm, April 9th at 7:30am, April 10th at 4pm and April 11th at 7:30am. Sign up sheet is in the front office.
Job Opportunity... Norfolk Daily News has an after school route position available. 25 papers, $75 per month with a $50 gas bonus and other bonuses available. Call 1-877-1080 and state that you are interested in a carrier position.
Nebraska Rural Electric Youth Energy Leadership Camp forms are available at the front office. This camp is for current 9th, 10th, or 11th graders. Students/parents must be customers of Cuming County Public Power District. Forms are due May 15, 2019.
Juniors... Prom Committee- meet in front of high school office on Wednesday, March 6th at 7:30am
Cheer Team Tryouts... will be March 14th at 4:00pm in the South Gym. Practices will be held in the South Gym - March 11th at 4pm, March 12th at 7:30am, March 13th at 4pm and March 14 at 7:30am. Sign up sheet is in the front office.
National Honor Society Reading Lab... Monday - Megan, Tuesday - Grace, Wednesday - Erin, Thursday - Veronica.
Tuesday *Jr High Band @ WSC Music Festival *4:30pm-Speech Pilger Cardinal Inv. (Home) *6:30pm-Jr High Girls Basketball vs Tekamah-Herman
Monday *Freshman Career Day @ NECC *4pm-Jr High Wrestling @ West Point-Beemer Inv. *6:30pm-FFA Meeting
Activities for Monday, March 4
- Freshmen Career Day @ NECC
- FFA Meeting 6:30 PM
Speech Results from Saturday at Norfolk - great job Speechin' Gators!
Activities for Saturday, March 2
- Speech @ Norfolk Invite
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Friday, March 01, 2019
Happy Birthday today to... Samuel Thompson!!
There will be a Brief, Efficient and Mandatory speech team meeting right after school in Mr. Moeller's room regarding tomorrow's Norfolk tournament.
HURRY...The discount for the 2021 Italy and Greece trip ends on March 31 so make sure you enroll before this date if you want to save some money. The spots for this trip are filling up fast. If you are interested in this trip, please let Mrs. Glaubius know as soon as possible so that you can reserve your spot on this amazing adventure. If you were not able to attend the meeting and would like more information, schedule a time to meet with Mrs. Glaubius. Reserve your spot on the trip today!
Boys Basketball Players... hand in your uniforms by TODAY!
Dance Team Tryouts... tryouts will be April 11th at 4:00pm in the South Gym. Practices will be held in the South Gym - April 8th at 4pm, April 9th at 7:30am, April 10th at 4pm and April 11th at 7:30am. Sign up sheet is in the front office.
Job Opportunity... Norfolk Daily News has an after school route position available. 25 papers, $75 per month with a $50 gas bonus and other bonuses available. Call 1-877-1080 and state that you are interested in a carrier position.
9th-12th Graders... UN-L will be hosting the I’m First Symposium on April 3. This is for first generation students. First generation is a student whose parents did not graduate from a four-year college/university. If you are interested in learning about resources for college, see Mrs. Kreikemeier. Attendees will be considered for an $8000 scholarship.
10th and 11th grade students: ACT Scholarship Giveaway is offering a chance to win a $40,000 scholarship and a $5000 Tech Package. You must register for the April, June, or July national test dates. Information can be found on the poster outside Mrs. Kreikemeier’s office or act.org
Nebraska Rural Electric Youth Energy Leadership Camp forms are available at the front office. This camp is for current 9th, 10th, or 11th graders. Students/parents must be customers of Cuming County Public Power District. Forms are due May 15, 2019.
Juniors... Prom Committee- meet in front of high school office on Wednesday, March 6th at 7:30am
Cheer Team Tryouts... tryouts will be March 14th at 4:00pm in the South Gym. Practices will be held in the South Gym - March 11th at 4pm, March 12th at 7:30am, March 13th at 4pm and March 14 at 7:30am. Sign up sheet is in the front office.
National Honor Society Reading Lab... Monday - Megan, Tuesday - Grace, Wednesday - Erin, Thursday - Veronica.
Friday *2:30pm-Early Dismissal/Teacher In-Service
Saturday *Speech @ Norfolk Invite
Monday *Freshman Career Day @ NECC *4pm-Jr High Wrestling @ West Point-Beemer Inv. *6:30pm-FFA Meeting
Juniors in Mrs. Schutte’s class debating the pros and cons of open campus lunch to support arguments in persuasive essays. #wpgators