Help is still needed for the Elementary Track and Field Night. Please see a track coach if you are interested in helping.
State Track t-shirt orders are due Monday, May 13th 10am
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Friday, May 10, 2019
Happy Birthday on Saturday to... Brandon Sindelar!!
Library books can no longer be checked out for this school year. All library books are due back TODAY by 2:30 P.M.
Track athletes please sign up to help with Mondays elementary track meet. I will open it up to the Jr. High on Friday if additional help is needed. Thank you!
FFA Meeting Tuesday May 14th at 7:30pm in the high school cafeteria. 8th graders taking Ag class next year please plan on attending.
The Sign Up Sheets for One Acts and Speech are up outside Mr. Moeller's room! There will be a meeting next week for those who are interested in competing in 2019-20. See Mr. Moeller for details!
Boys Track Awards Night and Ice Cream Social... will be Thursday, May 16th at 6:30pm.
The Junior High Track meet rescheduled from Monday, May 6th will be Tuesday, May 14th at 3pm.
UNDERCLASSMEN COMPUTER CLEANING & CHECK IN: *Tuesday-Thursday, May, 14th -16th - All students need to find time to come to the library to clean their computers and chargers. Cleaning directions will be in the library. *Check out sheets will be available in your class folder in the library. Fill out the sheet and place it back in the folder so we have it the day you come check in your machine. (half of you will lose them :) so answer the questions and place back in the folder ) *Make sure your computer and your charger are the same number! **Computer check-in will begin Friday morning (May 17th). You will be dismissed in your English classes to come to library to check in your machines. **Make sure all documents/music/pictures are saved to another device because all computers may be wiped and re-imaged over the summer.
There will be a wrestling meeting Wednesday, May 15th after school in Mr. Bazata's room.
Thank You to all who made a successful District Track Meet!! Your help is greatly appreciated!!
There will be a boys track meeting on Monday, May 13th right after school in Mr. Burki's room - Please bring all your warm-ups and uniforms.
These TeamMates should plan to meet in the cafeteria today during Guided Study Hall. This is an important meeting, bring your computers. Emberly Aguirre, Zack Andersen, Devon Field, Maddie Franta, Alaza Good, Shelby Good, Faith Harleman, Shelbie Harleman, Brad Miranda, Jocelyn Russman, McKenna Slonecker. See you at 1:30!
Boys Track Athletes... please sign up with Mrs. Plagge to help with the elementary track meet on Monday.
GATOR NATION!! There are still Gator Nation sweatshirts and t-shirts available, see Mrs. Ludwig.
FFA Officers need to turn in your COLT registration and conduct forms by the end of the school year to Mr. Overturf.
Northeast Community College is offering a free camp on May 29-30 for students (16 and up) who are interested in nursing, health information management systems and personal training. The event is limited to the first 30 applicants. See Mrs. Kreikemeier for registration information.
Students and Parents... We would appreciate all lunch balances being paid to zero or to have a positive balance by the end of the school year. Thank You:-)
National Honor Society Reading Lab... Monday - Jessica, Tuesday - Karrin, Wednesday - Colby, Thursday - Karrin, Friday - no reading lab. Thank you for reading to our preschool and kindergarten students daily. It is appreciated by many people!!
Friday *Early Dismissal/Teacher In-Service
Saturday *2pm Graduation!!
Congratulations to our State Track qualifiers!
- Girls: K Svoboda - 100 Hurdles, 300 Hurdles; L Kneifl - 400, Long Jump, Triple Jump; J Wegner - High Jump
- Boys: C Ruskamp/C Hawk/B Ruskamp/C Heller - 4x400; C Ruskamp - 1600; D Kneifl - High Jump
Activities for Friday, May 10
- Early Dismissal/Teacher In-Service
Activities for Thursday, May 9
- District Track (@ Wisner-Pilger) 1:30 PM
Last day of school for the Class of 2019... The graduation ceremony will be Saturday at 2:00 PM. #wpgators
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Wednesday, May 08, 2019
Senior Parents... graduation information has been sent home with the seniors, please ask your student to see it:-)
Boys Track Awards Night and Ice Cream Social... will be Thursday, May 16th at 6:30pm.
Seniors: A friendly reminder that your dismissal after graduation practice on Wednesday is tentative, and will be made on a case-by-case basis when you have met all graduation requirements, paid all fines, checked in all materials, and served all detention/suspension hours. That includes any detention/suspension hours accrued this week - so make good choices. Have a terrific last week as high school students! - Mr. Butterfield
Northeast Community College is offering a free camp on May 29-30 for students (16 and up) who are interested in nursing, health information management systems and personal training. The event is limited to the first 30 applicants. See Mrs. Kreikemeier for registration information.
All TeamMates mentees in 7th through 11th grades should plan to meet in the cafeteria this Thursday or Friday during Guided Study Hall. This is an important meeting, bring your computers.
Students in grades 10-12... you are invited to sign up for the Pathways to Engineering “Harvesting the Wind” summer camp! Wayne State College is partnering with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Engineering to offer this camp that will be taught jointly by faculty from each institution. The camp will be held in the new Center for Applied Technology (CAT) on the Wayne State College campus. The camp is being offered at NO COST for the students. The date is set for June 17th and 18th. Please see Mrs. Kreiekemeier if interested or go to
2019 Sports Enhancement Program will be offered June 3 thru July 12th, MWF 7am to 9am at West Point. Cost is $100 and due to St. Francis Memorial Hospital Rehabilitation by May 13th . Stop by the office for more information and/or a registration form.
Students and Parents... We would appreciate all lunch balances being paid to zero or to have a positive balance by the end of the school year. Thank You:-)
National Honor Society Reading Lab... Thursday - Lexi, Friday - Rachel.
Thursday *1:30pm-Track Districts @ Wisner-Pilger
Notice: A staff member's car started on fire this morning in the elementary portion of our school's parking lot. No one was injured or in immediate danger as a result of this fire. As a precautionary measure all elementary students were moved to the high school side of the building. The fire has been extinguished and students have been moved back to the elementary. School has resumed as normal.
Activities for Wednesday, May 8
- Seniors Last Day
Activities for Tuesday, May 7
- Grades 5-6 Spring Program
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Tuesday, May 07, 2019
Happy Birthday today to... Kaden Pohlmeier!!
Senior Members of NHS... need to pay $10 for their cords before Wednesday, May 8 and let Mrs. Glaubius know if you intend to keep the cords. The $10 must be paid whether you intend to keep your honor cord or not. If you are not keeping your cord the $10 will be returned to you when you turn the cord in.
Senior Parents... graduation information has been sent home with the seniors, please ask your student to see it:-)
Boys Track Awards Night and Ice Cream Social... will be Thursday, May 16th at 6:30pm.
Seniors: A friendly reminder that your dismissal after graduation practice on Wednesday is tentative, and will be made on a case-by-case basis when you have met all graduation requirements, paid all fines, checked in all materials, and served all detention/suspension hours. That includes any detention/suspension hours accrued this week - so make good choices. Have a terrific last week as high school students! - Mr. Butterfield
Seniors must return library books by Tuesday, May 7.
Girls in grades 8-11 interested in going out for basketball next year... there will be a meeting Wednesday morning at 7:45am in Ms. Scheitel's room.
Seniors Computer Cleaning and Check-In... *All computers must be CLEANED by TODAY, May 7th. Cleaning supplies and a checkout sheet will be supplied during the day in the library May 7th. *All information must be saved to an external device as ALL machines will be erased and wiped clean. *Please save any wanted information out of your Google Drive as your Google account will be deactivated two months after graduation. *Computer check-in will be during 2nd & 4th periods on Wednesday, May 8th. This is check-in only. *All computers must be cleaned beforehand or you will come back after school is out to clean. You MUST have your computer, charger and bag all cleaned and ready to go. (make sure you have the correct charger to go with your computer otherwise there will be an $80 charge.)
Senior Computer Purchase Option... All seniors will be given the option of purchasing their computer. In the past we have charged $150 for a four year old machine. The senior machines this year are only in year two, so we will be charging $250 for the computer and the charger. As for next years seniors, those machines will be in year three for a price of $200. If you would like to purchase your machine, please stop in the office for a form to fill out to bring back with payment. Form and payment must be received by May 7th. If you decide to purchase, the machines can be picked up the week of June 3rd. Once that machine leaves the building, Wisner-Pilger WILL NOT be responsible for any damages, repairs or computer support.
Students in grades 10-12... you are invited to sign up for the Pathways to Engineering “Harvesting the Wind” summer camp! Wayne State College is partnering with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Engineering to offer this camp that will be taught jointly by faculty from each institution. The camp will be held in the new Center for Applied Technology (CAT) on the Wayne State College campus. The camp is being offered at NO COST for the students. The date is set for June 17th and 18th. Please see Mrs. Kreiekemeier if interested or go to
2019 Sports Enhancement Program will be offered June 3 thru July 12th, MWF 7am to 9am at West Point. Cost is $100 and due to St. Francis Memorial Hospital Rehabilitation by May 13th . Stop by the office for more information and/or a registration form.
Seniors reminder that the end of the school year is quickly approaching... all bills must be paid and detention hours served before you will receive your cap and tassel. Inquire at the front office if you need to check on these items. Thank You!
National Honor Society Reading Lab... Wednesday - Rachel & Erin, Thursday - Lexi, Friday - Rachel.
Tuesday *Grades 5-6 Spring Program Fine Arts Auditorium
POSTPONED: The Wisner-Pilger Junior High Track Invite scheduled for today (Monday, May 6) is postponed due to the weather forecast. We will try to reschedule this meet and will share more information when it is finalized.
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Monday, May 06, 2019
Happy Birthday today to... Brittany Williams!!
Senior Members of NHS... need to pay $10 for their cords before Wednesday, May 8 and let Mrs. Glaubius know if you intend to keep the cords.
Senior Parents... graduation information has been sent home with the seniors, please ask your student to see it:-)
Boys Track Awards Night and Ice Cream Social... will be Thursday, May 16th at 6:30pm.
Seniors: A friendly reminder that your dismissal after graduation practice on Wednesday is tentative, and will be made on a case-by-case basis when you have met all graduation requirements, paid all fines, checked in all materials, and served all detention/suspension hours. That includes any detention/suspension hours accrued this week - so make good choices. Have a terrific last week as high school students! - Mr. Butterfield
Seniors must return library books by Tuesday, May 7.
Band/Choir Awards Potluck night will be Monday, May 6th at 6:30pm in the south gym. Students with their last names beginning with A-J please bring a side dish. Those with their last names beginning with K-W please bring a main/hot dish. Drinks will be provided. Please bring your own table service
Girls in grades 8-11 interested in going out for basketball next year... there will be a meeting Wednesday morning at 7:45am in Ms. Scheitel's room.
Seniors Computer Cleaning and Check-In... *All computers must be CLEANED by May 7th. Cleaning supplies and a checkout sheet will be supplied during the day in the library May 6th and May 7th. *All information must be saved to an external device as ALL machines will be erased and wiped clean. *Please save any wanted information out of your Google Drive as your Google account will be deactivated two months after graduation. *Computer check-in will be during 2nd & 4th periods on Wednesday, May 8th. This is check-in only. *All computers must be cleaned beforehand or you will come back after school is out to clean. You MUST have your computer, charger and bag all cleaned and ready to go. (make sure you have the correct charger to go with your computer otherwise there will be an $80 charge.)
Senior Computer Purchase Option... All seniors will be given the option of purchasing their computer. In the past we have charged $150 for a four year old machine. The senior machines this year are only in year two, so we will be charging $250 for the computer and the charger. As for next years seniors, those machines will be in year three for a price of $200. If you would like to purchase your machine, please stop in the office for a form to fill out to bring back with payment. Form and payment must be received by May 7th. If you decide to purchase, the machines can be picked up the week of June 3rd. Once that machine leaves the building, Wisner-Pilger WILL NOT be responsible for any damages, repairs or computer support.
2019 Sports Enhancement Program will be offered June 3 thru July 12th, MWF 7am to 9am at West Point. Cost is $100 and due to St. Francis Memorial Hospital Rehabilitation by May 13th . Stop by the office for more information and/or a registration form.
Peru State College will be at lunch on Monday, May 6. Please welcome Ashleigh to Wisner-Pilger
Seniors reminder that the end of the school year is quickly approaching... all bills must be paid and detention hours served before you will receive your cap and tassel. Inquire at the front office if you need to check on these items. Thank You!
National Honor Society Reading Lab... Tuesday - Calby & Becca, Wednesday - Rachel & Erin, Thursday - Lexi, Friday - Rachel.
Monday *10am-EHC Golf @ Clarkson *3pm-Junior High Track Wisner-Pilger Invitational *7pm-Band Potluck
Hands-on learning in the Science department today. 1) Identifying energy transformations using Law of Conservation of Energy in Physical Science. 2) Collecting and analyzing data with a simulated fossil dig in Science 8. #wpgators
Activities for Monday, May 6
- EHC Golf Conference @ Clarkson 10:00 AM
- Junior High Track Wisner-Pilger Invite 3:00 PM
- Band Potluck 7:00 PM
Activities for Saturday, May 4
- Varsity Golf @ Oakland 9:00 AM
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Friday, May 03, 2019
Happy Birthday on Saturday to... Jocelyn Russman!!
Peru State College will be at lunch on Monday, May 6. Please welcome Ashleigh to Wisner-Pilger
Veronica, Megan, and Lexi - please turn in your NHS posters!
Senior Members of NHS... honor cords are $10. Please let Mts. Glaubius know if you are keeping the cords.
Junior and Senior Baseball Practice... Sunday at 4:30pm in Dodge.
Girl's Softball 14's, 16's, and 18's... will have practice this Sunday at the River Park at 4:00.
Any Junior High Track Girls not going to the track meet today need to meet in Mrs. Bodwell's room 8th hour.
Band/Choir Awards Potluck night will be Monday, May 6th at 6:30pm in the south gym. Students with their last names beginning with A-J please bring a side dish. Those with their last names beginning with K-W please bring a main/hot dish. Drinks will be provided. Please bring your own table service
Girls in grades 8-11 interested in going out for basketball next year... there will be a meeting Wednesday morning at 7:45am in Ms. Scheitel's room.
Seniors Computer Cleaning and Check-In... *All computers must be CLEANED by May 7th. Cleaning supplies and a checkout sheet will be supplied during the day in the library May 6th and May 7th. *All information must be saved to an external device as ALL machines will be erased and wiped clean. *Please save any wanted information out of your Google Drive as your Google account will be deactivated two months after graduation. *Computer check-in will be during 2nd & 4th periods on Wednesday, May 8th. This is check-in only. *All computers must be cleaned beforehand or you will come back after school is out to clean. You MUST have your computer, charger and bag all cleaned and ready to go. (make sure you have the correct charger to go with your computer otherwise there will be an $80 charge.)
Senior Computer Purchase Option... All seniors will be given the option of purchasing their computer. In the past we have charged $150 for a four year old machine. The senior machines this year are only in year two, so we will be charging $250 for the computer and the charger. As for next years seniors, those machines will be in year three for a price of $200. If you would like to purchase your machine, please stop in the office for a form to fill out to bring back with payment. Form and payment must be received by May 7th. If you decide to purchase, the machines can be picked up the week of June 3rd. Once that machine leaves the building, Wisner-Pilger WILL NOT be responsible for any damages, repairs or computer support.
Students in grades 10-12... you are invited to sign up for the Pathways to Engineering “Harvesting the Wind” summer camp! Wayne State College is partnering with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Engineering to offer this camp that will be taught jointly by faculty from each institution. The camp will be held in the new Center for Applied Technology (CAT) on the Wayne State College campus. The camp is being offered at NO COST for the students. The date is set for June 17th and 18th. Please see Mrs. Kreiekemeier if interested or go to
2019 Sports Enhancement Program will be offered June 3 thru July 12th, MWF 7am to 9am at West Point. Cost is $100 and due to St. Francis Memorial Hospital Rehabilitation by May 13th . Stop by the office for more information and/or a registration form.
Seniors reminder that the end of the school year is quickly approaching... all bills must be paid and detention hours served before you will receive your cap and tassel. Inquire at the front office if you need to check on these items. Thank You!
National Honor Society Reading Lab... Monday - Claire & Jayden, Tuesday - Calby & Becca, Wednesday - Rachel & Erin, Thursday - Lexi, Friday - Rachel.
Friday *10am Junior High Track Conference @ West Point *2:300pm-Early Dismissal/Teacher In-Service
Saturday *9am-V Golf @ Oakland-Craig Inv.
Monday *10am-EHC Golf @ Clarkson *3pm-Junior High Track Wisner-Pilger Invitational *7pm-Band Potluck
Activities for Friday, May 3
- Early Dismissal/Teacher In-Service 2:30 PM
- Junior High Track Conference @ West Point 10:00 AM
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Thursday, May 02, 2019 String key was not found!
Happy Birthday today to... Payton Beaver and Tymarie Ott!!
2019 Sports Enhancement Program will be offered June 3 thru July 12th, MWF 7am to 9am at West Point. Cost is $100 and due to St. Francis Memorial Hospital Rehabilitation by May 13th . Stop by the office for more information and/or a registration form.
Students in grades 8-11 interested in going out for football next school year... there will be a meeting Friday morning in Mr. Burki's room at 7:55am
Peru State College will be at lunch on Monday, May 6. Please welcome Ashleigh to Wisner-Pilger
National Honor Society members please print your posters TODAY and give them to Mrs. Glaubius. Thank you!
Band/Choir Awards Potluck night will be Monday, May 6th at 6:30pm in the south gym. Students with their last names beginning with A-J please bring a side dish. Those with their last names beginning with K-W please bring a main/hot dish. Drinks will be provided. Please bring your own table service
Girls in grades 8-11 interested in going out for basketball next year... there will be a meeting Wednesday morning at 7:45am in Ms. Scheitel's room.
A group is needed to run the concession stand for the Junior High Track meet on Monday, May 6th. Please let Mr. Ross know if you are interested. Thank You!
Seniors Computer Cleaning and Check-In... *All computers must be CLEANED by May 7th. Cleaning supplies and a checkout sheet will be supplied during the day in the library May 6th and May 7th. *All information must be saved to an external device as ALL machines will be erased and wiped clean. *Please save any wanted information out of your Google Drive as your Google account will be deactivated two months after graduation. *Computer check-in will be during 2nd & 4th periods on Wednesday, May 8th. This is check-in only. *All computers must be cleaned beforehand or you will come back after school is out to clean. You MUST have your computer, charger and bag all cleaned and ready to go. (make sure you have the correct charger to go with your computer otherwise there will be an $80 charge.)
Senior Computer Purchase Option... All seniors will be given the option of purchasing their computer. In the past we have charged $150 for a four year old machine. The senior machines this year are only in year two, so we will be charging $250 for the computer and the charger. As for next years seniors, those machines will be in year three for a price of $200. If you would like to purchase your machine, please stop in the office for a form to fill out to bring back with payment. Form and payment must be received by May 7th. If you decide to purchase, the machines can be picked up the week of June 3rd. Once that machine leaves the building, Wisner-Pilger WILL NOT be responsible for any damages, repairs or computer support.
Scholarship Opportunity for students 14 and older: Faith Regional Health Services offers a scholarship based on volunteering. You can accumulate hours that will help make you eligible for scholarships up to $2000. See Mrs. Kreikemeier for more information.
Students in grades 10-12... you are invited to sign up for the Pathways to Engineering “Harvesting the Wind” summer camp! Wayne State College is partnering with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Engineering to offer this camp that will be taught jointly by faculty from each institution. The camp will be held in the new Center for Applied Technology (CAT) on the Wayne State College campus. The camp is being offered at NO COST for the students. The date is set for June 17th and 18th. Please see Mrs. Kreiekemeier if interested or go to
Seniors reminder that the end of the school year is quickly approaching... all bills must be paid and detention hours served before you will receive your cap and tassel. Inquire at the front office if you need to check on these items. Thank You!
National Honor Society Reading Lab... Friday - Megan & Keah
Thursday *9am-V Golf @ Battle Creek *1pm-Track @ Norfolk Catholic Inv *6:30pm-Grades K-2 Vocal Concert @ Wisner-Pilger Fine Arts Auditorium 7:30pm-Grades 3-4 Vocal Concert @ Wisner-Pilger Fine Arts Auditorium
Friday *10am Junior High Track Conference @ West Point *2:300pm-Early Dismissal/Teacher In-Service