The Wisner-Pilger Speech team’s online apparel store is now open and accepting orders until January 20. Online Store
Juniors-prom meeting in Mrs. Olson's room on Wednesday, January 18th at 7:45 a.m.
Congratulations to the W-P Speechin' Gators, who made their season debut Saturday and finished second overall out of fourteen teams at our "Practice Makes Perfekt" Invitational! Ten finalists and THREE CHAMPS--Bryant Peck in Poetry and Informative, and Jose Ramirez in POI! Jose was also runner-up in Poetry behind Bryant! And McKenna Slonecker was Humorous Prose runner-up! Other Gator placings... Laura Kinnison, Brynn Oswald, Jose Ramirez, Karl Steinmeyer, Trey Stewart--Third, OID, Laura Ramirez-Torres--5th, Humorous Prose, Olivia Keller--5th, Entertainment, McKenna Slonecker--6th, Serious Prose, Addie Sateren and Mariah Andersen--6th, Duet Acting, Laura Kinnison--7th, Persuasive
SPEECH TEAM MEETING right after school in Mr. Moeller's room--ballots will be returned and Saturday's North Bend meet entries will be posted! Get signed up for this week's practice sessions NOW!!
National Honor Society Readers... Tuesday - Cameryn, Wednesday - Alea & Danica, Thursday - Brittney, and Friday - Emma & Owen. Readers needed for Monday, January 23, and 30.