High School Quiz Bowl Practice... Thursday at 7:30am. Contact Ms. Sampson for more information.
The Wisner-Pilger Green Team Fundraising is selling water bottles and insulated holders. Items can be picked up at the school or shipped straight to you. Go to https://www.totalgraphics-ne.com/wisnerpilger to order yours today. Thank You for your support.
Wisner-Pilger Basketball shirt order forms are available by the front office. Orders are due by Friday, November 18th.
Juniors... The Greater Omaha Council Bluffs Area Council on Youth Leadership has opened applications for the 2023 "Youth Salute". Awards include a photographic banner displayed at school and an opportunity to win scholarships and a national leadership experience. To qualify a student must: (1) be a high school junior, (2) Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, and (3) have held two leadership positions within the past two years in school, religious, or community sponsored organizations. Students who qualify should apply at www.greateromaha.youthsalute.com. The deadline to apply is December 18th. See Mrs. Reese if you have questions.
National Honor Society Readers... Wednesday - Danika & Delaney, Thursday - Brittney, and Friday - Emma & Owen. Readers for next week... Monday - Trey, Tuesday - Carter & Braxton, and Wednesday - Laura.