Happy Birthday today to... Kaleb Clark!!
Volleyball Awards Night... Monday, November 14th at 6:30pm in the Elementary Commons.
FFA Fruit Sales are due on Thursday this week! Contact an FFA member or Mr. Overturf if interested in purchasing fruit.
FFA Parents night is Thursday November 10th at 6pm in the elementary cafeteria. Join us for a meal followed by FFA members presenting their speeches and demonstrations. FFA members wear official dress.
ONE ACTS--Tech Crew tonight--6:30 PM! Practice tomorrow morning--lead characters at 7:30 AM!
There will be a NHS meeting on Tuesday during Flex in the library to discuss the induction and installation of officers.
Seniors... senior pictures are needed for the yearbook. Please get them to Mrs. Bodwell as soon as possible. kbodwell2@igators.org
National Honor Society Readers... Tuesday -August, Wednesday - Alea and Danica, Thursday - Mackensie, and Friday - Bryant.