Happy Birthday today to... Danielle Harms!!
Expressive Arts Group Starting November 3rd, we will be offering Expressive Arts sessions during Flex. This group will meet every Thursday and is open to anyone. Expressive art is a way to relax and express yourself through art. Spots are limited. See Mrs. Reese if you are interested.
State Cross Country Shirt Order is now available. order link Orders are due Tuesday, October 18, 2022 (9:00 AM CDT).
SPEECH TEAM... we will again be attending the Lincoln Pius speech tournament November 19th! Contact Mr. Moeller or Mrs. Alexander if you are interested in trying out material!
Congratulations to the Champion Northeast Area Land Judging team of Bowdy Bird, Owen Heller, Delaney Boyer and Walker Ott! Bowdy placed 1st individually, Owen Runner-up, Delaney 5th and Walker 14th!
ONE ACT CAST and TECH CREW! Tonight's practice is the biggest one so far, so we need everyone there! TWO run throughs!
Gator Football Playoff apparel orders are available. Orders must be submitted by 10:00 AM on Monday, October 17. Late orders will NOT be accepted in order to guarantee delivery in time for the 1st Round game. Forms can be picked up and turned in at the HS Office.
Juniors... all fundraising packets are due to the high school office. If packets are not turned in by the end of the day, Monday, October 17th, they will not be ordered.
Coat and Sweatshirt Drive... We will be collecting coats and sweatshirts until November 1st for the Norfolk Shelter. All sizes from babies to adult are needed. Please drop off in the box by Mrs. Reese's room. Items need to be clean and in good condition. Thank You for your support!!
Seniors... remember to turn in your college visit/job shadow verification form. Turn them in the the front office or Mrs. Reese. We need this to excuse your absence from Wednesday. Forms are needed from: Owen Heller, Isabella Manning, Laura Ramirez-Torres, Cynthia Sanchez Benitez, McKenna Slonecker. Thank You!
A representative from Wayne State College will be here during lunch on Tuesday, October 18th. Stop by to see what WSC has to offer.
National Honor Society Readers... Monday - Austin, Tuesday - Cameryn, Wednesday - Alea & Danica, and Thursday - Emma & Owen. Reader needed for October 25 - thanks again for reading to the kindergarten!