Happy Birthday today to... Denisse Garfias Ricardo and Dayton Gentrup!!
Coat and Sweatshirt Drive... We will be collecting coats and sweatshirts until November 1st for the Norfolk Shelter. All sizes from babies to adult are needed. Please drop off in the box by Mrs. Reese's room. Items need to be clean and in good condition. Thank You for your support!!
Seniors... remember to turn in your college visit/job shadow verification form. Turn them in the the front office or Mrs. Reese. We need this to excuse your absence from Wednesday. Thank You!
School Pictures are this Tuesday, October 11th. Please stop by the front office to pick up a picture packet if you have not already received one. Thank You!
A representative from Wayne State College will be here during lunch on Tuesday, October 18th. Stop by to see what WSC has to offer.
State Softball Students wishing to attend state softball will be allowed an excused absence, if the office is notified (call/note) by a parents or guardian. Please be aware that students may have schedule conflicts with other sports/activities that may require them to attend school.
ALL ONE ACT CAST AND CREW... Practice tonight with tech, lights and COSTUMES! 6:30 PM!
Juniors... this is the last week for our poinsettia and greenery fundraiser. Turn order forms and money to the office on Monday, October 10th.
Student Council... There will be a Student Council meeting Tuesday, October 11th @ 7:45 a.m. in the library.
National Honor Society Readers... Monday - Alea, Tuesday - Carter, Braxton, Wednesday - Delaney, Danika, Thursday - Mackensie, and Friday - Addi. Readers needed for October 17 and 25. If no one has signed up by Friday, October 7, NHS members will be assigned. Thank you for reading - the kindergarten students love it!