
Happy Birthday today to... Lillian Nitzsche!!

TEAMMATES AT THE BALLGAME... Friday, Sept. 23. Wisner-Pilger TeamMates mentees and mentors will be admitted to the game at no charge (just give the attendant your name - you'll be on the list) and receive a voucher from Staci Jensen for treats at the concession stand. TeamMates Matches are encouraged to attend the Autumn Walk together, from 6-6:25, and enjoy the game, companionship, and treats together.

TEAMMATES AUTUMN WALK... On Friday, September 23, TeamMates will be hosting a TeamMates Autumn Walk from 6-6:25. It is open to the public, mentors, mentees, and families at no cost. TeamMates mentees and mentors from Bancroft-Rosalie TeamMates have been invited to join us for the pre-game Autumn Walk.

Environmental Science Students... remember to leave for the field trip - Thank-You Teachers!

ONE ACT PRACTICE TONIGHT---6:30-8 PM! All cast, minus softball and volleyball!

Senior ACT Prep The October 22 ACT is generally the last score accepted for college admissions and financial aid. You are encouraged to take the ACT one final time to maximize your score. If you would like to take the OnToCollege Test Prep before taking the ACT in October, please sign up with Mr. Butterfield before September 23.

Boys Football Players... need to sign up for shifts to work the Concession Stand on Oct. 8. Please sign up in Mr. Burki's room.

The late registration deadline for the October 22nd ACT is September 30th. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Late fees will apply. Register at See Mrs. Reese if you have questions.

Boys Basketball Players... Assignments for Saturday's concession stand: 7:30 to 9:30-Carter Cleveland, Brandon Stoffel, August Scholting; 9:30 to 11:30-Owen Heller, Jack Knust, Hayden Schroeder; 11:30 to 1:30-Austin Hatterman, Caden Anderson, Hunter Palmer; 1:30 to 3:30-Regan Raabe, Jase Alexander, Evan Petersen; 3:30 to 5:30-Blaine Bellar, KJ, Reece Dimon; 5:30 to 7:30-Dayton Gentrup, Kobryn Anthony, Kyle Rehak.

Seniors... senior pictures are needed for the yearbook. Please get them to Mrs. Bodwell as soon as possible.

Juniors... pick up your fundraising packet in the office. Packets are due on Monday, October 10th.

Sophomores... the PSAT test will take place on Wednesday, October 12th. You will need to sign up if you are interested in taking the test. When you take the PSAT, you may earn a qualifying score to enter the National Merit Scholarship Program and compete for national recognition and college scholarships. See Mrs. Reese if you have questions or would like to sign up.

National Honor Society Readers... Friday - Brittney. Readers for next week... Monday - Trey, Tuesday - Austin, Wednesday - reader needed, Thursday - Laura, and Friday - Trey.