Note: This information was mailed home to families during the week of July 18.
Wisner-Pilger Jr/Sr High School Students and Families,
I hope this letter finds you well and that you have had an enjoyable summer. Last school year was a great year with many outstanding academic and extracurricular performances and accomplishments, but it is now time to turn the page and start preparing for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year. We look forward to seeing students and staff for the first day of school on August 18.
Please note one major change for this school year is that school breakfast and lunch will go back to regular pricing. Please send lunch money with students, utilize e-funds on the school website, or inquire about free/reduce lunch paperwork as needed.
This mailing includes individual class schedules for students in grades 8-12, and Mrs. Reese (School Counselor) will be available for students to make schedule changes on August 8th, 9th, and 10th from 9:00-3:00. Students that are new to Wisner-Pilger this year may also use these times to register for classes. Students in 7th Grade will receive their schedules at 7th Grade Orientation on August 16th at 4:00 PM, and there is an additional letter in this mailing regarding 7th Grade Orientation.
Please note that iGator Rollout (laptop checkout) will also occur over the course of three days on August 8th, 9th, and 10th from 9:00-3:00, allowing students and families to choose a time and date that is most convenient for them. Parents/guardians are welcome to come to iGator Rollout with their student(s) but may also choose to send students with their payment and completed paperwork. Students that are unable to attend iGator Rollout can still bring their forms and insurance deposit when school starts, but they are not guaranteed to receive their laptop immediately. Please note that any students with outstanding fines/fees from last school year will not be able to check out their laptop until these bills are paid.
If you have not already done so, please take note of our school website which works in conjunction with the Wisner-Pilger, NE smartphone app. This app is a great source for news, announcements, calendar events, lunch menus, and other school-related information. To download the app, please visit and select the icons on the bottom, right-hand side of the page for “Download on the App Store” or “Get It On Google Play”. This section of the website also includes links to our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube pages where we share news, events, highlights, and livestreams of events.
Finally, enclosed with this letter you will find communication and forms from the Jr/Sr High School Office, Counselor’s Office, Activities Director, and Technology Coordinator. We hope this mailing provides students and families with all the information and paperwork needed to get the school year started.
If you have any questions about this information, please contact Aric Butterfield at or 402-529-3249 (Jr/Sr High School Office).
Yours in Education,
Aric Butterfield, 7-12 Principal
Enclosed Forms:
- Student’s Schedule
- iGator (Laptop) Forms
- Handbook Receipt Form
- NSAA Form
- Activities Director/Booster Club Letter
- School Counselor’s Letter
- School Lunch Information (One packet per family)
Forms Needed Prior to Sports Practice:
- Physical Examination
- Handbook Receipt Form
- NSAA Form
- Sports Warning Meeting Form
Important Start of the School Year Dates/Events:
- Sports Warning Meeting - Tuesday, August 2 - 7:00 PM (Sports Boosters Signup before and after)
- Fall Sports Begin - Monday, August 8
- Schedule Changes/New Student Registration – Monday, August 8-Wednesdy, August 10 – 9:00 AM-3:00 PM
- iGator Laptop Rollout - Monday, August 8-Wednesday, August 10 - 9:00 AM-3:00 PM
- All iGator Forms must be signed OR a parent or legal guardian must be present
- The $25 insurance fee must be paid before the laptop can be checked out
- All outstanding fines/fees must be paid before a laptop can be checked out
- 7th Grade Orientation - Tuesday, August 16 - 4:00 PM
- A letter has been sent home to families of all incoming 7th Graders
- First Day of School - Thursday, August 18 - 8:15-2:30 (Early Dismissal)
- Second Day of School - Friday, August 19 - 8:15-2:30 (Every Friday will be an Early/2:30 Dismissal for Teacher Inservice)
- Regular Schedule Begins - Monday, August 22 - 8:15-3:44