There will be a Student Council Meeting on Wednesday, May 4th at 7:50am in the Study Hall Area.
7-11 Students: Computer cleaning and check-out will be during English periods on Tuesday, May 17th. Since we have a full day on the 17th, we will be cleaning and checking in all at the same time. Please make sure you have the correct charger that belongs to your computer. If you have lost, damaged or your numbers on your computer and charger do not match, you need to come see Mrs. Kreikemeier to get that squared away. If you do not have your correct items (computer, charger, duck head on the charger, computer bag) during your time of checkout, you will come after everyone else is finished so we can resolve your problem. So in other words, please take care of that right now. I’m guessing you will want to leave right away on your last day so I don’t want to hold you up because of something that could have been done earlier. Thanks!
SENIORS: You need to find time to come to the library/tech room on Monday, May 9th or Tuesday morning, May 10th to clean computers. Computer check-in will be during 6th period on Monday and 2nd period on Tuesday during Government classes. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE EVERYTHING SAVED AS ALL MACHINES WILL BE ERASED AND WIPED CLEAN. Please make sure the computer has a full charge and the computer bag and charger is clean as well. All seniors will be given to option to purchase their computer, charger and bag for $200. You must fill out the purchase form that was given to you BEFORE check out day with the payment. You may come back the week of June 13th to pick up machine. (Even if you plan on purchasing your machine, you MUST still follow the above instructions as all senior machines will be cleaned and all information will be erased.) Once that purchased machine leaves the building, Wisner-Pilger will not be responsible for any damages, repairs or computer support.
Lunch Balances... as the school year comes to a close we would appreciate all lunch balances being paid to a zero or to have a positive balance. Thank You!!
The registration deadline for the June 11th ACT is May 6th. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Register at
8-11th graders interested in going out for cross country in the fall... there will be a meeting on Wednesday, May 4th at 7:45 AM in Mrs. Raabe’s room.
Seniors... green scholarship sheets must be turned in by Thursday in order to be included in the graduation program.
2022 Gator Volleyball Athletes... There will be a pre-season meeting in Coach Roach's room on Friday, May 6 at 7:45 a.m. See you there!
All students are encouraged to take a leadership role by applying for Student Council. Please pick up an application in the front office. The deadline to return applications is Friday, May 6th.
Students grades 8th thru 11th interested in playing boys basketball for the 2022/2023 school year stop by the front office to sign up. We need names of those interested so they may receive the information on an upcoming meeting. Thank You!
NHS reading lab readers: Wednesday - Kennedie, Thursday - Olivia & Maggie, and Friday - Brittney. Readers for next week... Monday - Auggie, Tuesday - Owen & Emma, Wednesday - reader needed, Thursday - Bryant, and Friday - reader needed. Monday, May 16 reader needed. Remember this is a required project and some of you have not met the requirements yet.