
Happy Birthday today to... Miriam Frerichs!!

The following need to pay for their track t-shirts ASAP: Hannah Parker ($15), Izzy Manning ($43), Hilary Liermann ($3)

There will be a mandatory football meeting Wednesday, April 13 @ 7:50 am in Mr. Burki's room for all those interest in playing high school football next fall. This will include discussion on Summer weight lifting and camps.

Seniors... Remember to complete and return your green scholarship reporting form. In order for your scholarships to be printed in the graduation program you need to report them to Mrs. Reese. Report all scholarships, even ones to schools that you will not be attending. Thank You!!

We have the following extra track shirts for sale: 2 M Gray long sleeve shirt ($10), 3 XXL Gray long sleeve shirt ($10), 1 Youth S Black T-shirt ($6), 1 S Green T-shirt ($6), 1 Youth S Green Hooded Sweatshirt ($15), 1 S Green Hooded Sweatshirt ($15). Please contact Mrs. Plagge if you are interested in purchasing any of them.

Registration for Fall Dual Credit courses will take place in the cafeteria during Flex on Wednesday, April 13th. Students who are interested in taking Advanced Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, English Composition, Workplace Communications, Technical Math, College Algebra or Calculus for college credit through Northeast Community College will need to attend.

April 14 Student Work Day The Jr/Sr High School (Grades 7-12) will be modifying the schedule on April 14. Students in good academic standing will be dismissed at noon, and students with missing work/failing classes will remain in school to work with teachers. Details can be found in this letter that was texted and emailed to parents/guardians - Student Work Day Letter

NHS reading lab readers: Tuesday - Emma & Owen, Wednesday - Kennedie, and Thursday - Olivia & Maggie.