
Happy Birthday on Saturday to... Erica Parker and Alea Rasmussen!!

Junior or Sophomore FFA Members interested in applying for an FFA officer position. Interviews will be on April 11th. Applications are on canvas and due on the 11th as well.

Speech and One Act members! Pick up award ballots and memory sheets from Mr. Moeller today! Our awards supper is planned for Monday, April 18th! Ballots are due back to Moeller by TODAY!

Wisner Care Center Grand March... Students attending prom, please plan to stop by the Wisner Care Center anytime between 5:45 and 6:30 on Saturday night. This will be a walk through when you get there event so will not take much time. Please remember that the residents really enjoy seeing all of you!!

Calendar Update/Change... Drivers Education will now be held Tuesday, June 7th thru Friday, June 10th. Please note change in date.

Lost and Found Several pairs of wireless earbuds have been turned in to the lost and found this school year and never claimed. If you lost your earbuds, and can provide the type, date lost, and general location lost, they can be returned to you. Also, if you bring wireless earbuds to school, it is recommended that you mark them in a uniquely identifiable way.

Juniors and Seniors... prom pictures will be at Dave and Barb Deitloff's home at 3pm on Saturday.

SENIORS... local scholarships are due to Mrs. Reese's office by 4:00pm.

Prom and Post-Prom Information Prom is scheduled for Saturday, April 2. Class pictures will start at 6:30 with the Grand March at 7:30. Sobriety checks will be conducted by an officer for all Prom attendees. The dinner and dance will follow the Grand March. The dance will end at Midnight with Post-Prom starting immediately after and doors closing at 12:30. Attendees must stay to the end of the dance to be eligible to attend Post-Prom. Facilities will be provided to change clothes between Prom and Post-Prom, if needed.

JR/SR HIGH STUDENTS are needed to help with field events at the Lions Club Track Meet on April 9th. Students who are interested in helping should contact Mr. Dennis (Band), Mr. Polk, or Mr. Overturf. Thank You!!

PROM STUDENTS... St. Joseph's Catholic Church is inviting all the students going to prom to attend the Saturday evening mass at 5:00 p.m. Mass will be over by 5:45 so this will allow you time to get ready for the rest of the evening activities.

Senior Pictures are needed from the following students: Nolan Hause, Dominique Manning, Alan Mares, Anthony Palmer, Kaden Pohlmeier, William Schraeder, and Tyson Schultz. Pictures are needed by Friday, April 1st. Email senior pictures to Please see Mrs. Bodwell if you do not have a senior picture and are interested in someone taking your picture or if you would like to use your school picture.

SWAMP SHOP... Mrs. Bodwell's Marketing Students are gaining 'hands-on' learning experiences by re-opening the Swamp Shop, but with a different focus. They are available to make affordable, custom-designed vinyl t-shirts. If you are wanting a new and unique Gator shirt or need a personalized birthday or a special gift, this just might be what you are looking for. We will have more information posted online in the upcoming days as well, such as sample design ideas, for you to check out. Feel free to talk to Bryant Peck, Kris Eik, or Mrs. Bodwell if you have any questions or would like to place an order.

Drivers Education Forms... are available at the front office. Classes will start TUESDAY, June 7th through FRIDAY, June 10th (four days) 7:30am to 12:30pm each day. Completed forms and payment are due back to the front office by Friday, April 29th.

April 14 Student Work Day The Jr/Sr High School (Grades 7-12) will be modifying the schedule on April 14. Students in good academic standing will be dismissed at noon, and students with missing work/failing classes will remain in school to work with teachers. Details can be found in this letter that was texted and emailed to parents/guardians - Student Work Day Letter

NHS reading lab readers: Monday - Lindsey, Tuesday - Joslyn, Wednesday - Hilary, Thursday - Adison M., Friday - Gwen.