

Drivers Education Forms... are available at the front office. Classes will start Monday, June 6th through Thursday, June 9th (four days) 7:30am to 12:30pm each day. Completed forms are due back to the front office by Friday, April 29th.

Juniors and Seniors... please try to get your post prom waivers and $25 prom fee to the office by this Friday. If you are not sure if you have these items taken care of, please stop by the front office. Thank You!

Prom and Post-Prom Information Prom is scheduled for Saturday, April 2. Class pictures will start at 6:30 with the Grand March at 7:30. Sobriety checks will be conducted by an officer for all Prom attendees. The dinner and dance will follow the Grand March. The dance will end at Midnight with Post-Prom starting immediately after and doors closing at 12:30. Attendees must stay to the end of the dance to be eligible to attend Post-Prom. Facilities will be provided to change clothes between Prom and Post-Prom, if needed.

NHS reading lab readers: Thursday - Lily, and Friday - Mackensie & Brittney. Readers for next week... Monday - Addi A., Tuesday - Beau, Wednesday - Spencer, Thursday - Kyla & Kayla, and Friday - Reader needed.