
Juniors ACT Juniors, remember that in order to have your ACT scores sent to colleges for free, you need to return a completed NSCAS ACT Parental Consent Form to Mr. Butterfield.

Cameryn Bellar, Isabella Manning and Bryant Peck... please meet in the lunchroom during flex to fill out ACT information.

Congratulations to Bryant Peck who won two medals at the C2 state speech championships yesterday in Kearney! He finished as state runner-up in informative speaking and fifth in poetry! Gwen Donner finished tenth in humorous prose, and the drama team of Laura Kinnison, Izzy Manning, Lily Otten, Jose Ramirez and Karl Steinmeyer finished sixteenth overall! As a team the Gators finished 14th! Great job, Speechin' Gators!!

Juniors and Seniors: sign-up for prom, grand march and post prom is due by TODAY! Stop by the front office to sign up. If bringing an underclassmen or out of town date, please bring $25 to the office when signing up. Juniors will also need to pay a $25 fee.

FFA Week Activities Friday—Tractor Day (students who drive a tractor to school get a prize). Saturday—Labor Auction & Breakfast 9 am in Elementary cafeteria.

Sophomore Servers: All servers must email Mrs. Olson ( by TODAY whether or not you are planning to serve at prom.

FFA Week Ag question of the Day… How many high school teachers or staff were FFA members at one time? Submit your answer to Mr. Overturf or to the front office for a chance at a prize!

NHS reading lab readers: Monday - August S., Tuesday - Cameryn, Wednesday - Spencer, Thursday - Lily, and Friday - Mackensie & Brittney.