FFA Week Activities Monday—Hat day (students that wear an Ag hat get a prize). Tuesday—Elementary Barnyard and (we will be teaching Ag lessons and have a barnyard for elementary students). Wednesday—Teacher Breakfast and FFA t-shirt day (FFA members wear chapter t-shirt). Thursday—Pickup Day (students who drive a pickup to school get a prize). Friday—Tractor Day (students who drive a tractor to school get a prize). Saturday—Labor Auction & Breakfast 9 am in Elementary cafeteria.
FFA Week Ag question of the Day… What is the state fish of Nebraska?…submit your answers to Mr. Overturf or the front office for a chance at a prize!
Boy's Basketball Awards night... Thursday, March 17th at 6:30pm in the Elementary Commons.
Juniors and Seniors: sign-up for prom, grand march and post prom is due by this week on Friday! Stop by the front office to sign up. If bringing an underclassmen or out of town date, please bring $25 to the office when signing up. Juniors will also need to pay a $25 fee.
Lunch Menu Change... On Monday we will have Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy & Dinner Roll and On Wednesday we will have Pizza & Green Beans.
Order forms for track t-shirts and sweatshirts will be available today. Orders will be sent off Wednesday at noon.
An admissions representative from the University of Nebraska-Omaha will be here during lunch on Thursday, March 17th. Stop by to see what UNO has to offer.
Dual Credit Applications: Sophomores and Juniors who plan on taking dual credit classes next year, but have not previously taken a dual credit class from NECC will be completing dual credit applications on Tuesday, March 15th during Flex. If you are planning on taking Advanced Bio, Anatomy and Physiology, Comp I, Workplace Communication, Tech Math, College Algebra, and/or Calculus for college credit through Northeast Community College in the fall, you will need to attend and complete an application! This is only for students who have not taken a NECC dual credit class before. A representative from NECC will also be here to assist with applications.
Wisner-Pilger Alumni... The Louis and Abby Faye Dinklage Foundation Alumni Scholarship Application is now available. To get the application visit www.wisnerpilger.org go to the menu, click the Documents bubble, 2021-2022 folder and then the 2022 Dinklage Alumni Application. Remember that the bottom portion needs to be completed by the college you are currently attending. Applications are due April 1st.
Scholastic Contest The NECC Scholastic Contest will be held virtually again this year on Wednesday, March 16. Students, tests, and times have been posted on the bulletin board. Students should report to the North Gym with their computer fully charged 15 minutes before their assigned test time(s).
NHS reading lab readers: Tuesday - Owen & Emma, Wednesday - Hilary, Thursday - Maggie and Olivia, and Friday - Gwen