Happy Birthday today to... Gael Mendez Cortez!! and on Saturday to... Aaron Field, Joslyn Jacobs and Sofie Wils!! and on Sunday to... Carter Cleveland!!
Students... If you need to borrow a computer charger from the library, you will need to leave your phone at the library until the charger is returned.
A Wayne State College admissions representative will be here during lunch on Thursday, March 10th. Stop by to see what Wayne State College has to offer.
STATE SPEECH QUALIFIERS-- reminder you will be taking a picture for the recognition board during flex today.
Students interested in being a lifeguard this summer... applications for the Wisner pool are due by March 7th.
Sophomores and Juniors... Sign up in the office if you are interested in attending a campus visit to the University of Nebraska-Omaha (UNO) this spring. Sign up by Friday, March 4th.
The following students have library fines: Axton Lantz - $14.50, Hayden Schroeder - $16.00, Riley Theroes - $21.00, and Blaine Bellar - $13.00. Your library books are now at least one month overdue. To avoid paying the fine, please return or renew your books.
The late registration deadline for the April 2nd ACT is March 11th. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Late fees will apply. Register at act.org.
Juniors and Seniors: sign-up for prom, grand march and post prom in the high school office. If bringing an underclassmen or out of town date, please bring $25 to the office when signing up. Juniors will also need to pay a $25 fee. Sign-up before Friday, March 18th.
Wisner-Pilger Alumni... The Louis and Abby Faye Dinklage Foundation Alumni Scholarship Application is now available. To get the application visit www.wisnerpilger.org go to the menu, click the Documents bubble, 2021-2022 folder and then the 2022 Dinklage Alumni Application. Remember that the bottom portion needs to be completed by the college you are currently attending. Applications are due April 1st.
NHS reading lab readers: Monday - Riley, Tuesday - Joslyn, Wednesday - Kennedie, and Thursday - Olivia & Maggie.