
Happy Birthday today to... Kaden Glennon!! and Jackson Wendt!! and on Saturday to... Anna Jacobs!!

Seniors... I have gotten several pictures this past week. Thank you! If you still want to be included in the senior pictures of the yearbook, please try to have them sent to me within the next week if possible. If you haven't had pictures taken yet or don't know if you plan to take any but would like something professional in the yearbook, let me know, I will be able to help you out! Again, email them to me at

Lolligram from the Swamp Shop You still have a couple of days to order that friend or special someone a Lolligram from the Swamp Shop. Mrs. Bodwell is available before school and after as well as during the lunch mods. You can also order through Bryant Peck or Kris Eik. Parents, if you want to send one to your child you can email Mrs. Bodwell at They are 75 cents or 3 for $2. Thanks!

Girls Basketball Players, Managers and Coaches... District Goodie Bags will be in the front office starting Friday. Items may be taken from the bags each day after school. Good Luck at Districts!!

Relay for Life is selling daffodils again this year. There is an order form in the Teachers' Lounges. Orders are due by this Friday, February 11. Any questions you have - contact Traci Ebel. Thank You!!

Any junior boys interested in attending the American Legion Cornhusker Boys State this summer, June 5th-11th, should let Mrs. Reese know by Friday, February 11th. Stop by the counseling office if you have any questions

A representative from the U.S. Air Force will be here Tuesday, February 15th during lunch. Stop by to learn more about opportunities with the Air Force.

Parents/Guardians of 7th and 8th grade students... Elkhorn Logan Valley Public Health Department's Smile in Style program will be visiting Wisner-Pilger on February 16th. If you would like more information or a sign up form... call the high school.

NHS reading lab readers: Monday - Gwen, Tuesday - Owen & Emma, Wednesday - Kennedie, and Thursday - Ella.