Happy Birthday today to...Gwen Donner!!
Wrestlers, Managers and Coaches... you have district goodie bags in the front office. You may take items from the bags each day after school and then take the bags with you on Thursday after school or Friday when you leave for districts. GOOD LUCK GATORS!!!
A representative from the U.S. Air Force will be here Tuesday, February 15th during lunch. Stop by to learn more about opportunities with the Air Force.
SPEECH TEAM... Remember that the "Perils of Lulu" drama team practices at 4 PM this afternoon! And the "Mirror Monologue" drama has practice tomorrow! NO EXCUSES!
High Schools Girls that are interested in looking at dresses for prom, please stop by Mrs. Ludwig's room during flex.
Lunch Menu Change Thursday's meal will be Taco.
Relay for Life is selling daffodils again this year. There is an order form in the Teachers' Lounges. Orders are due by this Friday, February 11. Any questions you have - contact Traci Ebel. Thank You!!
Any junior boys interested in attending the American Legion Cornhusker Boys State this summer, June 5th-11th, should let Mrs. Reese know by Friday, February 11th. Stop by the counseling office if you have any questions
Seniors... as soon as possible please email your senior picture and a baby picture to wispilclassof2022@gmail.com (for the slideshow). A senior picture also needs to be sent to Mrs. Bodwell for the yearbook at kbodwell2@igators.org Thank You!
The Swamp Shop will be selling 'Lolligrams' for Valentine's Day. If you would be interested in purchasing one or a few for a friend, sibling, yourself or that special someone, you may do so by contacting Bryant Peck, Kris Eik or Mrs. Bodwell. You can also stop in Mrs. Bodwell's room before or after school. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. kbodwell2@igators.org (There are also a few bears and plush animals to purchase as well that would make someone's day.) First come, First serve. We can also deliver to the elementary school.
Parents/Guardians of 7th and 8th grade students... Elkhorn Logan Valley Public Health Department's Smile in Style program will be visiting Wisner-Pilger on February 16th. If you would like more information or a sign up form... call the high school.
NHS reading lab readers: Thursday - Joslyn. Readers for next week...Monday - Gwen, Tuesday - Owen & Emma, Wednesday - Kennedie, and Thursday - Ella.