Happy Birthday on Saturday to... Jordyn Gentrup!!
Mr. Sapp's Flex Period... please report to Mrs. Raabe's room today. Thank You!
ONE ACT CAST and CREW... Pick up your schedules for Monday's Gator Play Festival from Mr. Moeller during Flex today!
Mr. Sapp's 7th Hour... please report to Mrs. Kluthe's room today. Thank You!
FFA Fruit and Meat orders are due Tuesday November 16th. If interested in buying fruit, meat, cheese, candy and butter braids contact an FFA member or Mr. Overturf.
ACT The late registration deadline for the December 11th ACT is November 19th. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Late fees will apply. Register at act.org.
VOLLEYBALL POTLUCK & AWARDS NIGHT will be Tuesday, November 16 @ 6:30 p.m. in the Elementary Commons. Families are asked to bring their own table service, one main dish, and one side dish. See you there! Go Gators!
NHS reading lab readers: Monday - August & Addi, Tuesday - Cameryn, Wednesday - Kennedie, Thursday - Bryant, and Friday - Mackensie.