
Happy Birthday yesterday to... Alan Mares!! and Tori Stuhr!!

NHS induction and installation of officers is TONIGHT at 7:OO P.M. in the Fine Arts. Current and new members please read the email that was sent to you for details.

If somebody "accidentally" grabbed a white and blue gaming headset out of Mrs. Bodwell's room and would kindly like to return it, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!

Students... check out this month's Counseling Newsletter for important information and upcoming events! November Counseling Newsletter

SPEECH TEAM members... let Mr. Moeller know by tomorrow whether you will be attending the Lincoln Pius meet on November 20th!

Great work last night, One Act Tech Crew!!

One act practice tomorrow morning... STARTING at 7:30 AM! All cast and crew!!

Sophomores... Your greenery orders are now due this Thursday November 4th. Push this week to make lots of sales... these funds will ensure you have a great prom and graduation!!

Thursday's sack lunch will be Hot Dog/Bun

The registration deadline for the December 11th ACT is November 5th. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Register at

Boy's Basketball Meeting... TODAY @ 3:45 in Mr. Beckmann’s Room right after school. Open Gym to follow.

Calendar Update... Thursday we will have a Noon Dismissal. Sack lunches will be provided for those that sign up on Thursday Morning. Friday there will be No School

NHS reading lab readers: Wednesday - Lindsey, and Thursday - Olivia & Maggie. Readers for next week... Monday - Riley, Tuesday - Owen & Emma, Wednesday - Adison M., Thursday - Joslyn, and Friday - Gwen.