Happy Birthday today to... Landree Loseke and Aida Vasquez!!
QUIZ BOWL for grades 9-12. Sign up sheet outside of Ms Sampson's or send her an email. You will be emailed to vote for possible practice times. We don't compete until the spring, but Olivia wants to practice, and who doesn't love trivia? Looking forward to a great team!
Seniors... ACT Test prep will begin on September 29. The first session will be held during 2nd Period in the Fine Arts. You must sign up with Mr. Butterfield ahead of time to attend these test prep sessions.
College Visit/Job Shadow Day is Wednesday, October 13th. All seniors should set up a college visit or job shadow experience on this day. The expectation is that they will not report to school but must attend a college visit or attend a job shadow experience. Seniors should start making reservations now for campus visits.
The College Planning and Financial Aid Meeting for seniors and senior parents will take place Wednesday, September 29th at 7:00 pm in the cafeteria. At 7:00 information on scholarships and the college admission process will be presented. At 7:30, we will be joining an online meeting hosted by Education Quest that explains the financial aid process and the FAFSA.
Device Checkout Reminders... If you are checking out a charger or a headset from the library, please return it RIGHT AFTER that class period. Chargers, adapters, and headphones are not meant to be checked out all day. We have a limited number of loaners. Remember to charge at home or bring your charger to school. Computers can be checked out all day if left at home or your original one is not working.
ACT Registration Deadline... October 1st is the final date to sign up for the October 23rd ACT a late fee does apply to this date.
Parents of 7th and 8th grade students... The Smile in Style children's oral health program will be at the school on September 27th and 28th. if you are interested in having your child screened please go to Dental Consent Form to complete a registration form or call the school for a registration form.
NHS reading lab readers: Wednesday - Kennedie, Thursday - Kyla & Kayla, Friday - Bryant.