Happy Birthday today to... Jacey Dimon and Rachel Purvis!!
Students, start planning for the Homecoming Poster Contest! Students will be working with their class sponsor next week during Flex to make a Homecoming themed poster for the cafeteria windows!! This year's theme is Candyland. Poster ideas must be approved by your class sponsor.
DISCOUNT CARDS are being sold by the Wisner-Pilger Music Boosters for $10 a piece. If you would like one, please contact the Jr/Sr high school office, a member of the Jr/Sr High band or choir, Mr. Dennis, or Mr. Dozler. Thanks in advance for your support!
Wisner-Pilger Cheer is selling t-shirts/sweatshirts... click here to order your items today. Online store closes Thursday, September 16th at 10am.
Homecoming 2021!!! Homecoming week is Tuesday, September 7th thru Friday, September 10th. The Theme this year is "Candyland". Start planning now for dress up days...Tuesday: Class Colors Seniors-Black, Juniors-Red, Sophomores-White, Freshmen-Blue, 8th Graders- Pink, 7th Graders-Purple, Staff- Green. Wednesday: Tropical Day. Thursday: Jersey Day. Friday: Spirit Day.
Calendar Update... The Junior High Football game on Tuesday, September 7th against Bancroft-Rosalie will be held at Bancroft at 4PM. Note location and time change.
Seniors that are planning on taking the October ACT and would like to complete On to College (John Baylor) test prep, please see Mr. Butterfield to sign up. We will have six different test prep sessions throughout the school day in October, and you will receive the entire test prep course online along with a test prep materials binder.
NHS reading lab readers: Friday - Hilary. Readers for next week... Tuesday - Olivia, Wednesday - Lindsey, Thursday - Adison M., Friday - MacKensie.