
Homecoming is Friday, September 10th... students may pick up outside date forms from the front office.

Homecoming 2021!!! Homecoming week is Tuesday, September 7th thru Friday, September 10th. The Theme this year is "Candyland". Start planning now for dress up days...Tuesday: Class Colors Seniors-Black, Juniors-Red, Sophomores-White, Freshmen-Blue, 8th Graders- Pink, 7th Graders-Purple, Staff- Green. Wednesday: Tropical DayThursday: Jersey DayFriday: Spirit Day.

Seniors that are planning on taking the October ACT and would like to complete On to College (John Baylor) test prep, please see Mr. Butterfield to sign up. We will have six different test prep sessions throughout the school day in October, and you will receive the entire test prep course online along with a test prep materials binder.

Any NHS member wanting to do a couple of community service hours on Thurs. Sept. 2nd, please see Mrs. Raabe.

FFA membership dues are $30 as moved and passed at our first meeting. Checks can be made out to Wisner-Pilger FFA. Dues can be given to Mr. Overturf, Treasurer Addisyn Albers or the office. Dues need to be paid by Wednesday September 1st.

Review and tryout copies of this year's one act play, "The Broken Circle", are now available! Stop by Mr.Moeller's room for a copy! Tryouts will be next Monday, 6-8 PM; after school Tuesday, 4-5:30 PM; and Wednesday morning, 7:30-8 AM! See Mr. Moeller if you have any questions!

NHS reading lab readers: Tuesday - Cameryn, Wednesday - Maggie & Brittney, Thursday - Addi & Emma, and Friday - Hilary.