

Happy Birthday today to... Taylor Scholting!!

Juniors... the following are the assigned shifts for volleyball concessions on Thursday, August 26th. If you are unable to work, it is your responsibility to find a replacement. 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. 1. Emberly Aguirre 2. Ryliann Field 3. Olivia Keller 4. Craigen Labenz 5. Haylee Miller 6. Blake Smith 7. Brittney Uhing 8. Mackenzie Polenske 6:30 p.m. - close 1. Samuel Good 2. Riley-Joe Boese 3. Jackson Knust 4. Ashlyn Lauck 5. Brittany Williams 6. Reece Dimon 7. August Scholting

Students who are planning on taking NECC dual credit and have not enrolled need to see Mrs. Reese this week. The registration deadline is Friday, August 27th.

Students interested in purchasing a letter jacket... please see Mr. Polk.

Golf will have softball concession stand this Thursday, August 26th. Stop by the front office to sign up for a shift.

Gator students who are interested in this year's one act play, "The Broken Circle", can pick up a plot summary and cast list from Mr. Moeller this week--review scripts will be available on Friday, with tryouts to be scheduled next week! See Mr. Moeller for details!

FFA membership dues are $30 as moved and passed at our first meeting. Checks can be made out to Wisner-Pilger FFA. Dues can be given to Mr. Overturf, Treasurer Addisyn Albers or the office. Dues need to be paid by Wednesday September 1st.

Any NHS member wanting to do a couple of community service hours on Thurs. Sept. 2nd, please see Mrs. Raabe.

Junior High Football Players that have not checked out their football pads...please check in to your flex period and then report to the locker room to check out football pads.

All 7th-12th grade students are encouraged to take a leadership role and apply for Student Council. Please pick up an application in the front office. The deadline to return applications is TODAY. See Mrs. Reese if you have any questions.

NHS members... the following students still need to sign up for reading lab: Lily, August S., and Bryant. You need to sign up to read at least eight times. The sign up sheet is in the high school library. Any members who have not signed up by September 3 will have dates assigned to them.

Cuming County College and Military Fair is TODAY, Wednesday, August 25th from 6pm to 8:30pm at the Nielsen Center in West Point.

Student Accident Insurance Forms are available at the front office. Stop by to pick one up or call the office to have one sent to you.

Gator Booster Gear is available to order... Gator Booster Gear Link Orders are due August 25th by 12pm

Gator Gear!!! Mr. Polk has Gator Gear - each item $1. Please go to Mr. Polk's classroom if you are interested.

NHS readers for this week: Thursday - Hilary, and Friday - Joslyn.