
Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Thursday, August 19, 2021 

Happy Birthday today to... Cadence James!!

Welcome Back Gators!!!! Have a great year!!!

Gator Gear!!! Mr. Polk has all sorts of Gator Gear each item $1. Please go to Mr. Polk's classroom if you are interested.

NHS members... please begin signing up for reading lab times. The sign up is in the high school library. We need readers starting next Monday - Thank You!

All Junior High Football players please report to Mr. Kasik's Art room at the beginning of 8th period.

FFA Meeting and BBQ on Monday, August 23rd at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria. Door prizes, good food and a good meeting to be at!

FFA Members we will be cleaning up at Thunder by the River on Saturday morning at 9 AM. This is a great opportunity to get some community service hours!

Mrs. Alexander's 8th period study hall will be in the lunchroom.

New books in the 7 - 12 library! Click here for more information. See you soon!

Cuming County College and Military Fair will be Wednesday, August 25th from 6pm to 8pm at the Nielsen Center in West Point.

Student Accident Insurance Forms are available at the front office. Stop by to pick one up or call the office to have one sent to you.

Gator Booster Gear is available to order... Gator Booster Gear Link Orders are due August 25th by 12pm

Physical reminder... Students in 7th grade will have to have a physical completed and physical form turned in to the high school office before the first day of school. Students in grades 8-12 that plan on participating in a sport during the school year will need to have a physical completed and physical form turned in to the high school office before they may practice. If you have any questions, please call the school.

Senior Pictures... Current Seniors if you have not had your senior pictures taken yet, please stop by the front office for a money saving coupon!! Current Juniors if you would like a money saving coupon for future senior pictures, please stop by the front office. Thank You!