Juniors, your senior shirts are here... pick up at the front office, but only if you have paid for the shirt.
GIRLS TRACK UNIFORMS... (including green jackets) need to be washed and turned in by noon TODAY to Coach Plagge. Thank you!!
Relay for Life is having a Grab and Go Meal this Sunday, May 23rd at the Dinklage Building (Cuming County Fairgrounds). Details are posted in the teachers' lounges. If you would like a ticket or to make a donation, contact Traci Ebel. Thanks:-)
Summer weight lifters... look for a text from your coaches containing your scheduled session time. Weightlifting begins Tuesday, June 1. Remember to bring a plastic cup for milk. See you then!
Junior class members of NHS need to turn in their community service papers before noon on Thursday.
Students interested in one act play and/or speech team for the 2021-22 school year can sign up outside Mr. Moeller's room today and tomorrow! There will be no meeting, but a very informative and remarkably life-enhancing information sheet regarding next year will be available for those interested!
The 2020-2021 school year is coming to a close... we would appreciate all lunch balances being paid to a zero or to have a positive balance by the end of the school year. Thank You!!
Farm to Family food boxes will be available to all at the senior center on Wednesday after lunch.
The following jr. high students need to hand in their track uniforms or pay to replace them: Maddy Kubes, Jordyn Gentrup.
WRESTLERS... If you're planning on going to team camp, please get your camp forms turned in to Coach Dennis as soon as possible. He need them by the end of the day on Thursday. Don't worry about payment yet, just bring him the form filled out. Thanks!!!
A HUGE THANK YOU... to everyone who made the elementary track and field day such a success!! All your efforts were greatly appreciated!!!
Computer Cleaning and Check-In: 9th - 11th grade Today is the last day to clean your computer. PLEASE follow the process noted in the library. Checkout sheets will stay in the library in the designated class folder. You WILL NOT check your computer in on Thursday without cleaning it first. Your computers will be checked in on Thursday morning during your English periods. Do not come in prior to that unless you have made arrangements with Mrs. Kreikemeier MAKE SURE ALL DOCUMENTS, MUSIC, PHOTOS ARE SAVED TO ANOTHER DEVICE BECAUSE ALL MACHINES WILL EITHER BE UPDATED OR ERASED OVER THE SUMMER. Also make sure you computer number and your charger number match before you check them in.
Fourteen library books still need to be returned. Kaden Glennon, Jacob Dorris (2 books), Anthony Palmer, Karissa Jindra (2 books), Landree Loseke, Hilary Liermann, Brynn Oswald (2 books), Alan Mares, Kaleb Raasch (2 books), and Taylor Scholting - return your books now. Thank you!
NHS Readers: Thursday - Ella & Lily. Thank you to all the NHS readers!! Your time spent reading to our kindergarten students is very much appreciated.