Happy Birthday today to...Klay Koehlmoos, Wyatt Linden and Blake Smith!!
April 4 - April 10 is National Library Week! The first three students to bring the correct answers to all three trivia questions each day will get a prize. Good luck!! TRIVIA QUESTIONS OF THE DAY!!! 1. rue or False. The British Library’s copy of Hand Grenade Throwing as a College Sport was destroyed in a bombing. 2. What can you borrow from the Alaska Resources Library and Information Services in Anchorage...other than books? 3. Into how many languages has the Harry Potter series been translated?
Seniors, please send a senior photo to Mrs. Reese by Wednesday, April 14th for the senior wall.
In celebration of prom week, Student Council is sponsoring dress up days! Start planning your outfits for next week! Monday- Pajama Day Tuesday- Wild West Day, Wednesday- Character or Celebrity Day, Thursday- Hawaiian Day, Friday- Dress Like a Teacher/Teachers Dress Like Students Day.
Speech and one act members-- if you haven't picked up an awards ballot from Mr. Moeller, do so by TODAY!
Congratulations to the Sr. Livestock Judging team on placing 3rd and the Jr. Judging team on placing 4th in the State during FFA State Convention. Congratulation to Logan Buhrman for placing 3rd individually!
Students interested in being a lifeguard this summer... stop by the Wisner city office to pick up an application. Students must be 15 years old. Applications are due May 1st.
Prom Students... St. Josephs' Catholic Church invites all students going to prom to attend the Saturday evening mass at 5:00pm prior to prom.
Senior Pictures Seniors please get a senior picture to Mrs. Bodwell by the end of the week. We need all of the senior pictures in order to get the composite done in time for graduation.
Seniors... Please report any scholarships that you will be receiving for the next school year to Heather (even report scholarships to schools that you will not be attending). Please include the name of the scholarship and the dollar amount. These scholarships will be listed in the graduation program. Bring a list to the office or you can email them to her at hott@igators.org THANK YOU!!
Seniors... please email a senior picture along with a baby picture to wisnerpilger2021slideshow@gmail.com This will be for the senior slide show. Pictures must be received by April 14th. Thank You!!
Juniors and Seniors TODAY is the last day to sign up for the Grand March. Sign up is in the front office.
Detention Time Seniors - Reminder that all detention time must be served prior to your last day in order to be eligible to participate in graduation activities. Underclassman - Reminder that all detention time must be served before checking out on the last day of school. If you have any holds on your checkout, you will not be able to get your computer next Fall until the holds are cleared.
NHS Readers: Monday - Ella, Tuesday - Liliana, Wednesday - Tymarie, Thursday - Logan & Reagan, and Friday - Liberty.
Faculty or students interested in helping at tomorrow's Lions Club Track Meet, please see Mr. Polk. Your help is greatly appreciated!!