The state speech finalists and state qualifiers will be having their picture taken during Flex period today in the Library.
Senior NHS members need to update their blue community service forms. You will need nine days of reading lab as well as community service projects. These forms are submitted when you purchase your cords for graduation. If you have questions, email Mrs. Glaubius to schedule a time to meet.
Class registration sheets are needed from the following students.... 11th Grade - Anthony Palmer. 10th Grade - Reece Dimon, Samuel Good, Ashton Swanson. 9th Grade - Ethan Buhrman. 8th Grade - Jacob Dorris, Callie Oswald, Ivory Pollard.
Pre-ACT Testing Sophomores will be taking the Pre-ACT Test on Thursday, March 25. Report to the North Gym at the start of school. Students will return to classes after testing is completed.
Mr. Polk is looking for student volunteers to work in the press box for track meets. Please talk to him if you are interested.
Prom Outside Date Forms are available at the front office.
Student Council members... Thursday during Flex there will be a student council meeting by the cafeteria. Please plan to attend.
Drivers Education Forms... are available at the front office. Classes will start Tuesday, May 25th through Friday, May 28th (four days) 7:30am until 12:30pm each day. Forms are due Friday, May 1st.
Juniors and Seniors... sign up for prom by April 1st in the office. $20 per junior and $20 for an out of town date. Turn in your money to Heather when you sign up.
Juniors and Seniors Grand March sign up is in the office. If you would like to participate in the Grand March, please sign up by Friday, April 9th.
Seniors... Please report any scholarships that you will be receiving for the next school year to Heather (even report scholarships to schools that you will not be attending). Please include the name of the scholarship and the dollar amount. These scholarships will be listed in the graduation program. Bring a list to the office or you can email them to her at THANK YOU!!
NHS Readers: Thursday - Breana, and Friday - Adi. Readers for next week... Monday - Kallan, Tuesday - Beau, Wednesday - Ella & Lily, Thursday - reader needed.