Happy Birthday today to... Ashlyn Lauck and Lily Otten!! and on Saturday to... Brynn Oswald!! and on Sunday to... Marzia Gasparini!!
FFA TRIVIA QUESTION OF THE DAY... How many FFA members are there in the U.S.? Turn in your answer at the front office or the Ag classroom. Answer to yesterday's trivia question...What state grows 99% of the U.S. pistachios? Answer: California
Students interested in going out for golf please stop by the front office to sign up. Sign up by Tuesday, March 2nd.
Good Luck to Swimmers at State Swimming!!!
The following Art Students and Former Art Students... Please stop by the art room to pick up your art from a previous art show. Laura Kinnison, Karl Steinmeyer, Tymarie Ott, Alea Rasmussen, Jose Ramirez, Delaney Boyer, Danica Alexander, Natalie Katsanou, Allie Hassler, Devon Field, Erica Parker, Preston Hansen, Carter Cleveland, Braxton Siebrandt. Thank You!!
Seniors... Close-Up has been cancelled. Refunds will be coming in the next couple weeks.
Speech team members pick up the schedule for tomorrow's meet this afternoon from Mr. Moeller.
NHS members... There is a concession stand sign up in NHS Canvas. You may count this as a community service project!
IT'S FFA WEEK!!!!! Friday- Hawaiian Cowboy (tropical cowboys and cowgirls get a prize), Tractor Day has been moved to next week Friday.
Girls Track Practice... will begin Monday, March 1st. Anyone who wants to lift weights prior to this may do so, but please let the coaches know. Thank You!
Looking for a blind date? There are books in the library just waiting to meet the right person! Just follow the 'dating' guidelines and you could win a gift card....so come check them out!!
Students please return class registration sheets for next year to Mrs. Reese as soon as possible.
NHS Readers: Monday - Josyln & Lindsey, Tuesday - Macy, Wednesday - Gwen, Thursday - reader needed, and Friday - Aidan & Rockney.
Happy Birthday today to... Ashlyn Lauck and Lily Otten!! and on Saturday to... Brynn Oswald!! and on Sunday to... Marzia Gasparini!!
FFA TRIVIA QUESTION OF THE DAY... How many FFA members are there in the U.S.? Turn in your answer at the front office or the Ag classroom. Answer to yesterday's trivia question...What state grows 99% of the U.S. pistachios? Answer: California
Students interested in going out for golf please stop by the front office to sign up. Sign up by Tuesday, March 2nd.
Good Luck to Swimmers at State Swimming!!!
The following Art Students and Former Art Students... Please stop by the art room to pick up your art from a previous art show. Laura Kinnison, Karl Steinmeyer, Tymarie Ott, Alea Rasmussen, Jose Ramirez, Delaney Boyer, Danica Alexander, Natalie Katsanou, Allie Hassler, Devon Field, Erica Parker, Preston Hansen, Carter Cleveland, Braxton Siebrandt. Thank You!!
Seniors... Close-Up has been cancelled. Refunds will be coming in the next couple weeks.
Speech team members pick up the schedule for tomorrow's meet this afternoon from Mr. Moeller.
NHS members... There is a concession stand sign up in NHS Canvas. You may count this as a community service project!
IT'S FFA WEEK!!!!! Friday- Hawaiian Cowboy (tropical cowboys and cowgirls get a prize), Tractor Day has been moved to next week Friday.
Girls Track Practice... will begin Monday, March 1st. Anyone who wants to lift weights prior to this may do so, but please let the coaches know. Thank You!
Looking for a blind date? There are books in the library just waiting to meet the right person! Just follow the 'dating' guidelines and you could win a gift card....so come check them out!!
Students please return class registration sheets for next year to Mrs. Reese as soon as possible.
NHS Readers: Monday - Josyln & Lindsey, Tuesday - Macy, Wednesday - Gwen, Thursday - reader needed, and Friday - Aidan & Rockney.