Happy Birthday today to... Jordyn Gentrup!!
Parents of Junior High Boys Basketball Players… you will need to have a ticket to watch the Thursday, November 19th basketball game in Scribner. If you are interested in going and would like a ticket, please see Mr. Polk or Mr. Cornell during the Tuesday, November 17th home basketball game(s). If you do not have a ticket you will not be allowed to enter the game.
NHS members: Remember to keep your community service and reading lab dates updated in the NHS binder located in the library.
FFA Members need to pay their dues ASAP. Dues are $28 payable to Wisner-Pilger FFA. Payton Biermann, Layne Heppner, Nathan Holtz, Caleb Lamb, Kallan Lonsdale, Tyler McBride, Will McNutt, Jaleigh Hallsted.
FFA Fruit sales are due SOON! Orders must be turned in by next Thursday Nov. 19th. If you are interested in buying fruit, meat, cheese or candies let a FFA member or Mr. Overturf know.
Overdue Library Books - Please return or renew now Caden A. ($14), Dallas B.($12), Taylor B.($14.50), Alfredo C.($15), Jacob D.($1), Kimber E.($28.50), Angelina F.($8.00), Samuel G.($16), Ethan G.($11), Ryan H.($8), Ashlyn L.($16), Landree L.($15), Alan M.($7), Cesar M.($15), William Mc.($19), Sierra M.$15.50), Erica P.($16), Hannah P.($14.50), Veronica G.($60.50), Evan P.($18), Tiearra P.($20), Kaleb R.($25.50), Laura R.($14), Miyah T.($15). Thank You!
Basketball shirt order forms... are available at the front office. Orders are due Friday, November 20th.
College Scholarship and Application help... Mrs. Reese will be in the cafeteria TODAY during Flex to help with College Scholarships and Applications.
Relay for life is selling chances for gift cards. Contact Traci Ebel or inquire at the front office if interested in supporting this worthy cause.
All W-P senior high students interested in competing in the Lincoln Pius speech meet November 21st see Mr. Moeller or Mrs. Alexander this week!
NHS Readers: Monday - Tymarie, Tuesday - Gwen & Riley, Wednesday - Liberty, Thursday - Logan, and Friday - Logan.