Happy Birthday today to... Marqus Eddy!! and on Saturday to... Alex Kluthe!! and on Sunday to... Alan Mares and Tori Stuhr!!
Cross Country Awards Night will be Tues. Nov. 3rd at 6:00 in the elementary commons.
Dual Credit: Mrs. Reese will be available on Monday and Friday next week to help students sign up for dual credit classes for the Spring semester. Please sign up with Mrs. Reese in the counseling office.
FFA Fruit sales are here! FFA members are selling fruit, meat, cheese, chocolates, candy and honey as part of their annual fundraiser. Contact a FFA member or Mr. Overturf to make an order.
The student council is sponsoring a coat drive to benefit the Norfolk Rescue Mission. All sizes of coats will be accepted. Coats should be clean and wearable. Hats and scarves are also needed. Please consider donating unwanted coats to help others keep warm this winter!
The juniors are selling Village Maker pies as a fundraiser for prom. Pies are $16 each and will be delivered right before Thanksgiving. If you would like a pie, please let a junior or Mrs. Olson (kolson@igators.org) know. Thank you!
Juniors... Pie Fundraising Orders are due to the office no later than Wednesday, November 3rd.
NHS Readers: Monday - Joslyn, Tuesday - Hilary, Wednesday - Kaci, Thursday - Lindsey, and Friday - Liliana & Ella.