​  Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Happy Birthday today to... Reagan Scholting!!

ONE ACT CAST and CREW... All Hands on Deck tonight! 6:30 PM--two full tech run throughs!

The student council is sponsoring a coat drive to benefit the Norfolk Rescue Mission. All sizes of coats will be accepted. Coats should be clean and wearable. Hats and scarves are also needed. Please consider donating unwanted coats to help others keep warm this winter!

There will be a brief cross country meeting TODAY after school in Mrs. Raabe’s room. Bring your uniform and your computer.

Juniors... please pick up your pie fundraising packet from the front office by the end of the day on Wednesday. Orders are due to the office no later than Wednesday, November 3rd. Pies will be delivered right before Thanksgiving break. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Olson at kolson@igators.org.

The juniors are selling Village Maker pies as a fundraiser for prom. Pies are $16 each and will be delivered right before Thanksgiving. If you would like a pie, please let a junior or Mrs. Olson (kolson@igators.org) know. Thank you!

FFA Fruit sales are here! FFA members are selling fruit, meat, cheese, chocolates, candy and honey as part of their annual fundraiser. Contact a FFA member or Mr. Overturf to make an order.

Softball Players... please turn in uniforms to Mr. Polk before or after school before Oct. 28.

NHS Readers: Wednesday - reader needed, Thursday - Macy, and Friday - Ella, Lily