Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Thursday, October 01, 2020

Happy Birthday today to... Delaney Boyer!!

Students... please pick up your picture packet from your flex teacher. School pictures will be Wednesday, October 7th. If you do not receive a packet from your flex teacher by Friday, stop by the front office to get one.

ONE ACT TECH CREW... first meeting tonight, 6:30 PM in the Fine Arts! Let Mr. Moeller know if you cannot attend!

NHS members... you need to find a way to remember what day you are to read. The para simply cannot read and supervise at the same time. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find someone to read in your place.

Juniors: sign-up for a concession stand shift for Monday, October 12th. Sign-up sheet is in the office.

October Calendars are available outside the front office.

Flu Shot Information... Drive up Flu Shot Clinic @ Franciscan Healthcare in Wisner, Thursday, October 8th from 3 to 6pm. This clinic is for all ages. Please bring your insurance card. If you have any questions, call 402-529-6516

Students... please remember if you would like breakfast in the morning you need to sign up the day before. That way we have enough for everyone. Thank You:-)

NHS Readers: Friday - Hilary. Readers for next week... Monday - Lindsey, Tuesday - Audrey, Wednesday - Riley, Thursday - Logan, and Friday - Aidan