Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Juniors: sign-up for a concession stand shift for Monday, October 12th. Sign-up sheet is in the office.

Quiz Bowl will have its first practice this Thursday at 7:30 AM in Mr. Bachman's room. Quiz Bowl is open to any student in grades 9-12. Practices will be 30 minutes long every Thursday morning. If you have any questions, feel free to talk to Mr. Bachman, Audrey Glaubius, or Tymarie Ott!!

One Act Practice--Tonight... 6:30: Page 9-End--The "Dead" are excused! There will be NO practice tomorrow morning!

St. Paul Midweek Students... there will be NO Catechism Class held at the church this week. Instead, it will be conducted via ZOOM. Thank You!

Students... please remember if you would like breakfast in the morning you need to sign up the day before. That way we have enough for everyone. Thank You:-)

Juniors and Parents: If there is any interest in working a concession stand shift this Saturday, October 3rd, please email Mrs. Olson (kolson@igators.org).

NHS Readers: Wednesday - Sarah, Thursday - Lilana, and Friday - Hilary.