Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Students will be decorating the lunchroom windows with their class this week. Students may work on window decorations during Flex time, with their teacher’s permission. Window decorations should be finished by Thursday.

NHS Members... check canvas for a link to a student panel college fair. You need to register if you want to take part in this fair.

It's Homecoming Week... "You Can't Tame Our Pride!!" Dress up days Wednesday - Will you still be my friend? (How silly can you dress?), Thursday - Throwback Thursday, Friday - Spirit Day. Start planning on how you can show your school spirit.

All seniors will be taking the ACT on Tuesday, September 22. Seniors will be dismissed from school after completing the test (around lunch time). They will need to return for any after school activities they are involved in.

St. Paul's Midweek classes begin this Wednesday, September 16th, 4pm to 5:30pm for grades 3-8.

House Key Found... claim at the front office.

ST. JOSEPH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Classes will start for all grades on Wednesday, September 16h. Grades K-6 at 4:00p.m. and grades 7-12 at 7:00p.m. Looking forward to an exciting year!

The Concordia Admissions Rep will be here on Thursday during 5th period. Please stop by and visit with them about what Concordia has to offer.

The Wayne State College admissions rep will be here on Monday during 5th period. Please stop by and visit with them about what WSC has to offer.

Handbook form is needed from the following student... Nathan Holtz. If you need a new form, please stop by the front office. Thank You!

Homecoming is Friday, September 18th... Coronation will be at 6:45pm followed by the varsity football game between the Wisner-Pilger Gators vs Howells-Dodge. The homecoming dance will follow the football game. The dance will end at midnight. Wisner-Pilger mask protocols that we follow during school time will be observed at the homecoming dance. The dance will cost $5 and exact change will be needed. If you are planning on bringing a date that does not attend Wisner-Pilger, please sign your date up in the front office and pick up an outside date form. Forms need to be completed and returned by Friday, September 18th at noon.

NHS Readers: Thursday - James, and Friday - Liliana