Happy Birthday today to... Riley-Joe Boese!!
Handbook forms are needed from the following students... Nathan Holtz, Kaleb Raasch, & Axton Lantz. If you need a new form, please stop by the front office. Thank You!
Homecoming is Friday, September 18th... You may pick up outside date forms from the front office.
The first read-through of the Wisner-Pilger one act play... "'Til the Storm of Life is Past" will be this evening at 6:30 in the Fine Arts Auditorium! See Mr. Moeller if you have volleyball or other conflicts. The tech crew will be established later on this week!
Booster Gear is Here!! If you happen to order gator gear from the Gator Boosters it is here at the high school. Thank You!!
NHS Readers: Wednesday - Gwen, Thursday - Logan, and Friday - Aidan.