
March Student Makeup Day The March Student Makeup Day is Friday, March 7. Any students still on the Flex list on Friday at 2:30 will be required to stay until 4:00, or until deficiencies are corrected, whichever comes first. This Friday is also the end of the 3rd Quarter.

Juniors ACT Info All Juniors will report to Mrs. Bodwell's room on the following dates for ACT Information, Pre-Test Activities, and Test Prep: March 10 (Flex), March 11 (1st-5th Period), March 12 (6th-8th Period), March 17 (6th-8th Period), and March 18 (1st-5th Period). The state required ACT Test date at Wisner-Pilger is Tuesday, March 25. Juniors will be dismissed from school when testing is complete.

Boy/Girls Golf: There will be a short meeting Thursday (TODAY) after school in Mr. Overturf's room for anyone interested in participating in golf this year. Talk to Mr. Dennis or Mr. Overturf if you have questions or concerns.

Updated Play Practice Schedule... Friday-7:30am, Scene 6.

The Girls Track Team will meet in the gym today at 4:00 (today ONLY!) to get your uniforms and then head to Mrs. Plagge's room.

The late registration deadline for the April 5th ACT is March 16th. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Late fees will apply. Register at See Mrs. Reese if you have questions.

Senior Day "Senior Day" will be Tuesday, March 11. The purpose of this day is to allow members of the Senior Class to participate in activities that promote a successful transition to their next step in life, such as college visits, job shadows, FAFSA completion, or any other activities that students and families deem appropriate. This is a non-school day for Seniors: parents/guardians do not need to call students in absent from school. Students may return to school for evening practices and events, if applicable. This information is also being shared in a letter sent home to Seniors and their families.

NHS readers: Friday - Riley & Hannah. Readers for next week... Monday - Hayden, Tuesday - Sydney P., Wednesday - Sidney F., and Thursday - Austin & Blaine.

Wisner-Pilger Alumni... The Louis and Abby Faye Dinklage Foundation Alumni Scholarship is now open. This scholarship is for graduates of Wisner-Pilger Jr/Sr High School and can be awarded up to four times. The scholarship is worth $1000 payable in January. Scholarship applications are due April 1st. If you have questions, please contact School Counselor Emily Reese at 402-529-3249 or The application is available HERE or on the Wisner-Pilger home page. Remember this is for Wisner-Pilger ALUMNI not current 2025 graduates.