
Happy Birthday today to... Brynn Oswald!!

Student Council Meeting The March Student Council Meeting will be Monday, March 3 during Flex.

Boys and Girls 8th Thru 11th Grades... Weightlifting is starting Monday morning, March 3rd at 6AM. Sign up sheets are located by the lunchroom, Mrs. Kluthe's room, restroom, and locker rooms.

Congratulations to the Wisner-Pilger Speech Team... which earned runner-up honors at the East Husker Conference speech tournament yesterday!! The Results: LAURA BORGELT--INFORMATIVE CHAMP! TREY BUSS--EXTEMP CHAMPION! LILLY LEATHERS--SERIOUS PROSE RUNNER-UP! Addelyn Sateren--3rd, Entertainment. Lindsey Borgelt--3rd, POI. Laura Borgelt--3rd, Persuasive. Lindsey Borgelt--4th, Entertainment. Berlyn Holmes--4th, Poetry. Avery Schultz--4th, Extemp. Addelyn Sateren--4th, Humorous Prose. Mariah Anderson, Lilly Leathers, Addelyn Sateren, Mitchell Siebrandt, Dustin Siebrandt--4th, Drama. Kirra Johnson--5th, Serious Prose. Dustin Siebrandt and Mariah Anderson--5th, Duet. Miriam Frerichs--6th, Persuasive. Lilly Leathers--6th, POI.

Play Practice Schedule... -Reminders: We are off-book! Please bring t-shirt money ($13) to Miss Daly. Tech Crew is expected to attend. Thursday, Feb 27th: Run Act 1, 6:30pm

7-12 grade students interested in participating in Trapshooting need to come see Mr. Overturf on Thursday during flex. If you are on the flex list let Mr. Overturf know during the school day.

Girls track will begin Monday... Please meet in the fine arts center at 4:10. You do not need to change from your school attire. Thank you!

The registration deadline for the April 5th ACT is February 28th. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Register at See Mrs. Reese if you have questions.

NHS readers: Friday - Evan & Hayden. Readers for next week... Monday - Hayden, Tuesday - Lilly, Wednesday - Taylor, Thursday - Haley, and Friday - Riley & Hannah.