Boys Basketball Players, Managers and Coaches... you have subdistrict goodie bags in the office. You may take items from the bags each day after school and take them with you on Monday... GOOD LUCK GATORS!!
Play Practice Schedule... -Reminders: We are off-book! Please bring t-shirt money ($13) to Miss Daly. Tech Crew is expected to attend. Monday, Feb 24: Run Act 1, 6:30pm Thursday, Feb 27th: Run Act 1, 6:30pm
Congratulations to the following Speechin' Gators who placed at the twenty-three team Gator Gab-Fest Invitational Saturday... GREEN FINAL-- LAURA BORGELT--PERSUASIVE CHAMPION! Mariah Andersen, Lilly Leathers, Adelynn Sateren, Mitchell Siebrandt, Dustin Siebrandt--Third, Drama Miriam Frerichs--Sixth, Persuasive WHITE FINAL-- Laura Borgelt--Runner-Up, Informative Dustin Siebrandt and Mariah Andersen--Runner-up, Duet Acting Adelynn Sateren--Runner-Up, Entertainment Trey Buss--Fourth, Extemp Lindsay Borgelt--Fifth, POI Avery Schultz--Seventh, Extemp RECYCLE FINAL-- Lindsay Borgelt--Runner-Up, Entertainment
SPEECH TEAM MEMBERS-- get signed up for practice times for today and tomorrow--CONFERENCE IS WEDNESDAY!!
The registration deadline for the April 5th ACT is February 28th. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Register at See Mrs. Reese if you have questions.
NHS readers: Monday - Evan, Tuesday - Riley, Wednesday - Walker, Thursday - Austin & Blaine, and Friday - Evan & Hayden.