
Happy Birthday today to... Sidney Feyerherm!!

Updated Play Practice Schedule... All-Cast and Crew updated play practice: Thursday: Scene 1, 9:00am; Scene 2, 9:30am. Please make a safe driving decision when coming to practice. Your attendance is not required due to inclement weather, but come if you can.

ST. JOSEPH'S RELIGIOUS ED STUDENTS: Classes for grades 6th-12th are cancelled for Wednesday, February 19th due to cold weather. However, grades K-5th will still have afternoon classes.

Job Opportunity... The city of Wisner is looking for lifeguards for the Wisner pool this summer. Applicants must be at least 15 years old. Applications are available at the high school front office or the city office.

The registration deadline for the April 5th ACT is February 28th. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Register at See Mrs. Reese if you have questions.

NHS readers: Wednesday - Taylor & Hannah, and Thursday - Addie & Cadence. Readers for next week... Monday - Evan, Tuesday - Riley, Wednesday - Walker, Thursday - Austin & Blaine, and Friday - Evan & Hayden.

Wisner-Pilger Alumni... The Louis and Abby Faye Dinklage Foundation Alumni Scholarship is now open. This scholarship is for graduates of Wisner-Pilger Jr/Sr High School and can be awarded up to four times. The scholarship is worth $1000 payable in January. Scholarship applications are due April 1st. If you have questions, please contact School Counselor Emily Reese at 402-529-3249 or The applicatio is available HERE or on the Wisner-Pilger home page. Remember this is for Wisner-Pilger ALUMNI not current 2025 graduates.