Happy Birthday today to... Jackson Wendt!!
GIRLS TRACK ATHLETES: Reminder that we have concessions TONIGHT. Please show at your appointed time! We also need replacements for those of you who signed up but will be playing in band at the time of your shift. Thank you!
District Wrestling Goodie Bags are in the office. You may take items out of the bags each day after school and Take them with you on Friday. GOOD LUCK AT DISTRICTS!!
Relay for life is selling Daffodils, Tulips and Hyacinths for Blooms of Hope! Orders are due this Friday, February 14th. Order forms are available in the Teacher's Lounge. Contact Traci Ebel at 417-689-4550 with any questions. Thank You!
Job Opportunity... The city of Wisner is looking for lifequards for the Wisner pool this summer. Applicants must be at least 15 years old. Applications are available at the high school front office or the city office.
NHS readers: Wednesday - Sidney F. and Thursday - Brandon & Logan. No reader is needed on Friday.