
Happy Birthday on Sunday to... Ramsey Arduser, Axton Lantz and Dakota Taber!!

January Student Makeup Day The January Student Makeup Day is Friday, January 24. Any students still on the Flex list on Friday at 2:30 will be required to stay until 4:00, or until deficiencies are corrected, whichever comes first.

Job Opportunity... The city of Wisner is looking for lifequards for the Wisner pool this summer. Applicants must be at least 15 years old. Applications are available at the high school front office or the city office.

Senior Pictures Needed!!! Mrs. Bodwell needs senior pictures by the end of January. These pictures are for the yearbook. You can email them to her

Seniors... please get a baby picture and senior picture to Hannah Grenier for the slide show. Thank You!

Any juniors interested in attending Cornhusker Girls State or Cornhusker Boys State this summer should let Mrs. Reese know as soon as possible. Girls and Boys State will be held June 1st-7th. At Girls State and Boys State, students learn how government works while developing leadership skills and an appreciation for their rights as citizens. Stop by the counseling office if you have any questions or would like to apply.

Calendar Update/Change... Junior High Girls Basketball game vs Pender that was scheduled for January 24th will be January 30th at 5pm, at Wisner-Pilger.

NHS readers: Monday - Mitchell, Tuesday - Austin & Blaine, Wednesday - Evan & Hayden, Thursday - Danielle, and Friday - Jordyn & Maddy.