Happy Belated Birthday to... Karissa Jindra (Thursday 9th)!! Happy Birthday on Saturday to... Alex Dominguez!! Happy Birthday on Sunday to... Addisyn Carson!!
Girls Track Team Members...stop by Mrs. Plagge's room to sign up for a concession stand shift. We will be working the Tuesday, January 14th concession stand. THANK YOU!!
Juniors: junior class officers and any junior who would like to be on the prom committee, there will be a meeting Wednesday, January 15th at 7:45 a.m. in Mrs. Olson's classroom.
Senior Pictures Needed!!! Mrs. Bodwell needs senior pictures by the end of January. These pictures are for the yearbook. You can email them to her kbodwell@igators.org
The late registration deadline for the February 8th ACT is January 20th. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Late fees will apply. Register at act.org. See Mrs. Reese if you have questions.
Calendar Update/Change... Junior High Girls Basketball game vs Pender that was scheduled for January 24th will be January 30th at 5pm, at Wisner-Pilger.
NHS readers: Monday - Danielle, Tuesday - Sydney P. Wednesday - Taylor, Thursday - Brandon & Logan, and Friday - Mitchell.