
Happy Birthday today to... Sydney Porter!!

Mr. Polk needs concession workers for the basketball games on Thursday, January 2nd. Workers will be paid $10/hour. Sign up for shifts in the front office. THANK YOU!!

There will be a brief but festive, merry and bright speech team meeting right after school in Mr. Moeller's room!

Holiday Food Drive Beginning on Monday, December 2, Student Council is sponsoring a food drive to benefit our local food banks. Jr/Sr High School Classes (grade levels) will be competing with each other to bring the most canned goods (shelf stable foods only, no ramen noodles). The winning class will get pizza during the incentive day on the last day of the semester! In order to count, donations must be checked in with with Mr. Butterfield before being placed under the tree in the Study Hall.

MUSIC BOOSTERS has the concessions stand on Saturday, December 21st MUSIC BOOSTERS has concessions on Saturday, December 21st for the Wisner-Pilger Wrestling Invite. Due to lack of volunteerism, the following work assignment has been made. Students/parents are expected to work based on the following shift assignments: Freshman A Last Name A - M (9:30am - 10:30am); Freshman B Last Name S - V (10:30am - 11:30am); Sophomore A Last Name A - H (11:30am - 12:30pm); Sophomore B Last Name J - W (12:30pm - 1:30pm); Junior A Last Name A - J (1:30pm - 2:30pm); Junior B Last Name K - Z(2:30pm - 3:30pm); All Seniors (3:30pm - 4:30pm). If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Dennis.

Please renew or return your library books before December 20. If the book is lost, you will need to pay the cost of a replacement copy. Overdue library books: Ercole A., Ali A., Jase A., Grady A., Blaine B., Ghia B., Tatiyana C., Landon C., Maria C., Hagen C., Mason C., Sylas D., Dustin D., Kimber E., Trenton E., Luis G., Joel G., Hannah G., Jace H., Charli J., Ella J., Ryker K., Haley K., Maddy K., Sam K., Greyce L., Axton L., Landree L., Jaylee L., Tucker M., Aiden Mc., Logan N., Jordy O., Callie O., Walker O., Evan P., Hannah P., Alee P., ReNae P., Regan R., Riley R., Destiny R., Addi S., Kyler S., Braxton S., Hayden S., Kristin S., Keaton S., Brenna S., Hayliegh S., Dakota T., and Charlee T.

Schedule Changes- Students requesting a schedule change for next semester may pick up a Schedule Change Request Form from the counseling office starting Monday, December 9th. Forms must be signed and returned to the counseling office by Friday, December 20th.

NHS readers: Friday - Gabe & Walker. Readers for January 2025... Tuesday, January 7th - Haley, Wednesday - Sidney F., Thursday - Austin & Blaine, and Friday - Brooklyn.