CONGRATULATIONS to Emerson Bellar, Charli Jacobs, & Haley Kneifl for being recognized by the Lincoln Journal Star as Class C2 All State Honorable Mention for volleyball! Go Gators!
SPEECH TEAM WORK SESSION after school, 4-7 PM!
SOPHOMORES... the sign up for the January 2nd concession stand is outside Mr. Moeller's room. Parents are also needed, so "volunteer" them as well!
Mr. Moeller's English II students... remember to check in your food donations with him before turning in to the office for proper credit!
TeamMates - We will be decorating Christmas cookies on Monday, during flex and again from 6:00-7:00. Plan to join the fun!
Help Spread The Warmth... the Wisner-Pilger Cheerleaders are hosting this year's annual coat drive. Between November 28th and December 13th, we are collecting gently used clean coats, cold weather accessories, and blankets for those in need. The bin will be under the Gator sign by the high school cafeteria.
MUSIC BOOSTERS has the concessions stand on Saturday, December 21st for the Wisner-Pilger Wrestling Invite. Students in either High School band and/or choir need to sign up to work a shift with Mr. Dennis, Ms. Daly, or in the High School office. We also need two parent sponsors per shift! Shifts include: Shift 1 - 9:30am - 11:30am; Shift 2 - 11:30am - 1:30pm; Shift 3 - 1:30pm - 3:30pm; Shift 4 (if needed) - 3:30pm - 5:00pm. Please contact Mr. Dennis, Ms. Daly, or the High School office to volunteer. Your time and support is greatly appreciated!
Schedule Changes- Students requesting a schedule change for next semester may pick up a Schedule Change Request Form from the counseling office starting Monday, December 9th. Forms must be signed and returned to the counseling office by Friday, December 20th.
Flex Door Decorating The winner of the Flex Door Decorating contest is Ms. Sampson's! Honorable mentions go to Mr. Moeller, Mr. Burki, and Ms. Lamp.
Holiday Food Drive Beginning on Monday, December 2, Student Council is sponsoring a food drive to benefit our local food banks. Jr/Sr High School Classes (grade levels) will be competing with each other to bring the most canned goods (shelf stable foods only, no ramen noodles). The winning class will get pizza during the incentive day on the last day of the semester! In order to count, donations must be checked in with with Mr. Butterfield before being placed under the tree in the Study Hall.
Please renew or return your library books before December 20. If the book is lost, you will need to pay the cost of a replacement copy.
Scholarship Opportunity for Juniors: The Greater Omaha Council Bluffs Area Council on Youth Leadership has opened applications for the Class of 2026 "Youth Salute". Awards include a photographic banner displayed at school and an opportunity to win scholarships and a national leadership experience. Close to 5 million dollars in scholarship opportunities were offered last year. To qualify a student must: (1) be a high school junior, (2) Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, and (3) have held two leadership positions within the past two years in school, religious, or community sponsored organizations. Students who qualify should apply at Link. The deadline to apply is December 15th. See Mrs. Reese if you have questions. Visit for more information
NHS readers: Friday - Brooklyn. Readers for next week... Monday - Austin & Blaine, Tuesday - Mitchell, Wednesday - Lilly & Evan, Thursday - Brandon & Logan, and Friday - Gabe & Walker.