
Happy Birthday today to... Nyome Harding!!

Handbook forms are needed from Raiyden Ruskamp.

ACT Test Prep Seniors - The National ACT Test will be offered October 26. This is generally the last ACT for Seniors that is accepted for college entry and scholarships. If you would like to sign up for the ACT Test Prep Refresher course, please see Mr. Butterfield. We will work through the Refresher course one period, twice per week, during the month of October.

St. Paul Lutheran Church Midweek Classes begin this Wednesday, September 11th for grades 5th thru 8th.

FFA Members please pay your dues of $30 as voted on to Treasurer Austin Hatterman or Mr. Overturf. Checks can be made to Wisner-Pilger FFA.

Job Opportunity... Local individual seeking help part time after school and on weekends. Must have your own transportation to get to work. Stop by the front office for contact information.

Seniors: when you have a senior picture selected for the yearbook, please email it to Mrs. Bodwell as soon as possible. Don't save this for the end of the year, please. This is not the picture that seniors often ask for when doing the senior slideshow. This is simply for the yearbook and senior composite. Thank you.

If you ordered a 2022 yearbook, please make arrangements to pick it up. Also be sure you have paid for it as some were ordered, but not paid for. There are also extras available for sale, first come first serve for $45. See Mrs. Bodwell.

The 2023 yearbooks are also in and available for sale. None of these books were presold, so they too will be first come first serve for $45. A few people have already spoken to me, so those are pulled out and can be picked up after the book is paid for. All checks need to be made out to Wisner-Pilger Schools. Again, see Mrs. Bodwell to make a purchase. An announcement will be made when the 2024 yearbooks are in, but as of now, they are not here yet. Thank you.

FFA Members the National FFA Convention application is open and available on Canvas. It is the top item in Modules. You must complete, have signatures and turn your completed application in to Mr. Overturf by Friday September 13th.

ST. JOSEPH'S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION STUDENTS... Classes begin for all grades on September 11th. Grades K-6 from 4:00p.m.-5:30p.m. and Grades 7th-12 from 7:00p.m.-8:30p.m.

Calendar Update/Change... Tuesday, September 24th Junior High Volleyball game vs Wayne will be played at Wisner-Pilger at 4:30pm.

K-12 Student Accident Insurance is available... Student Assurance Services has an online option to voluntarily enroll your student in the student accident insurance plan. For more information and an enrollment form click here.

NHS readers: Thursday - Addie, and Friday - Brooklyn. Readers for next week... Monday - Riley, Tuesday - Anna & Charli, Wednesday - Lilly, Thursday - Danielle, and Friday - Regan & Jase.