Cuming County Fair Art Work... 7th graders and high school students that had artwork at the fair. Please stop by the art room to pick up your artwork. Thank You!
Cheerleaders... reminder button orders and money are due in the front office by Friday, August 23rd.
NHS Officers: President - Sidney F., Vice President - Taylor S., Secretary - Brandon S. and Treasurer - Hannah G. Congratulations!
FFA Meeting Tuesday August 20th at 6:30 pm in the high school cafeteria.
One-Act meeting in Mrs. Jones's 1st Grade classroom on Tuesday, August 20th at 3:45 PM. If you have practice after school but would still like to join One-Act, please visit with Mrs. Jones before school on Wednesday, the 21st, or Thursday, the 22nd.
Student Council Meeting There will be a Student Council Meeting in the Library on Tuesday, August 20 during Flex.
Dual Credit Students, please check your MyNortheast accounts to see which classes you are enrolled in. If you are missing a class, let Mrs. Reese know as soon as possible. Registration for Northeast dual credit classes closes on Friday. Please see Mrs. Reese if you have any questions.
K-12 Student Accident Insurance is available... Student Assurance Services has an online option to voluntarily enroll your student in the student accident insurance plan. For more information and an enrollment form click here.
NHS readers: Wednesday - Taylor, Thursday - Lilly, and Friday - Brooklyn.