Happy Birthday today to... Emma Schroetlin & Connor Vrba!!
Wisner-Pilger Booster Gear is available to order... click HERE to order. Orders close August 19th at midnight.
FFA Members are needed to help pick up trash at Thunder by the River track on Sunday morning August 18th at 8:00am. Breakfast will be provided!
NHS members need to begin signing up for elementary reading lab. Sign up calendars are in the library. NHS members also need to check to make sure they received two emails from Mrs. Glaubius.
FFA Meeting Tuesday August 20th at 6:30 pm in the high school cafeteria.
Student Council Meeting There will be a Student Council Meeting in the Library on Tuesday, August 20 during Flex.
K-12 Student Accident Insurance is available... Student Assurance Services has an online option to voluntarily enroll your student in the student accident insurance plan. For more information and an enrollment form click here.