Happy Birthday today to... Ethan Buhrman!!
Mr. Moeller's 6th period English 8 class will report straight to the Fine Arts Auditorium today!
Girls Track Team Members... you have concessions on Thursday, December 5th. Sign up outside of Mrs. Plagge's door. Thank You!!
Dual Credit: All students taking dual credit classes should meet in the library TODAY to finalize dual credit enrollment!
Student Council meeting will be held at 7:45am on Wednesday
Congratulations to the following 4 volleyball athletes for being chosen by the Norfolk Daily News as members of their Class C All-Area Volleyball Teams. Rachel Otten - Second Team, Karrin Jindra - Third Team, Aspin Waterman - Honorable Mention, Adi Meyer - Honorable Mention!!
One Act Practice tonight... 6:30 PM Watch today's video performance, followed by one more "knockdown dragout" practice!
The One Act will perform for the school at 1 PM--please excuse the performers at 12:45 to change into costumes.
Congratulations to Wisner-Pilger's Aidan Sateren... East Husker Conference Platte Division BEST ACTOR! OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE RECOGNITION: Aspin Waterman, Kaleb Meyer, Kaci Baier, Spencer Batenhorst, Alex Kluthe, Jaden Berlin, Audrey Glaubius and Gwen Donner!
Sports Booster Button Orders are due Dec 4. Forms are available in the front office.
Southeast Community College... will be at lunch on Tuesday. Please welcome Rachel to out school and check out their programs.
NHS Readers... Tuesday - Kaci, Wednesday - Karrin, Thursday - Caden, and Friday - James.
Monday *Play Production School Performance 1:00
Tuesday *Junior High Boys Basketball @ Tekamah-Herman 6pm *Play Production Home Performance 7pm